Friday, January 21, 2022

YouTube Video Marketing for Loan Officers

As a loan officer, you are always looking for ways to connect with clients and enhance your business. Finding original and unique ways to target new customers can make a big difference and YouTube may be the answer you are looking for. While many people think of YouTube as a simple video platform, the truth is it is so much more than that. When used correctly, it can become a successful marketing tool that can help you build relationships with both past and present clients. Learning how to leverage YouTube by creating a successful YouTube video marketing strategy can make a world of difference when it comes to your business.

YouTube is much more than simple videos

YouTube is best known as a social media source for entertaining video content. However, it is much more than that. Owned by Google, YouTube is the 2nd most visited website in the world, sitting only behind Google. It is also the 2nd largest search engine, after Google, and accounts for one-third of all web traffic throughout any given day, with the average viewer spending over 24 minutes viewing content. And given that Google owns YouTube, optimized videos posted on the platform gain extra points when it comes to search engine rankings, giving you more visibility to potential clients.

Should loan officers use YouTube for their marketing?

Creating video content is a great way for loan officers to begin building rapport with potential clients. In addition, this powerful tool, when connected to your website and complimentary articles, can help increase website traffic, driving interested and qualified potential clients directly to your door.

What kind of videos should you create?

Once you create a YouTube channel, you are all set to start creating and uploading content. But what kind of videos should you create? What type of content will drive the most clients to your business?

Here are a few topic ideas to give you a start. While many of these ideas work for your YouTube channel, others are great ways to add videos to other areas of your marketing strategy. For example, videos can boost email marketing, as well as your social media marketing.

Introductory messages

An introductory video is essential when starting your YouTube channel. Think about what you say when you meet potential clients in person and simply record a message that includes the same information. This is a great way for them to get to know you and make an initial connection.

Mortgage marketing videos

Once you have your introduction out of the way, it is time to create marketing videos. These videos are designed to essentially market yourself to potential clients. Share what sets you apart from your competition.

Mortgage news updates

The mortgage industry is constantly changing and sharing the industry changes and new updates in video form is a great way to connect with not only potential clients but also past clients, your colleagues, partners. When creating these videos, be sure to share the information in easy-to-understand terminology and end the video with an invitation to contact you for more information.

Holiday well-wishes

As the holidays approach, consider creating a holiday greetings video to share on your YouTube channel wishing your followers a wonderful holiday season. In addition to adding this video to your channel, you can also include the video in your email marketing when you send out holiday greetings to current and past clients, as well as business partners.

Mortgage process updates

The loan process can be time-consuming and stressful for your clients. While you will likely send emails or make phone calls in order to keep them in the loop, creating a process update video to include with your correspondence is a great way to personalize your correspondence and your clients are likely to appreciate the extra touch.

Follow-ups and thank you’s

Whether you just had a meeting with a potential client or business partner, you want to say thank you and follow up on things discussed in your meeting. Instead of simply sending an email, consider creating a personalized video instead. This adds a more personal touch and helps to build a relationship. In addition, a personalized thank you video is a great way to thank partners for referrals.

Loan officer recording a YouTube video

YouTube video marketing for loan officers

Successful YouTube video marketing is more than simply recording and uploading video. Everything from the content you create to how you optimize it online requires prior research and a thorough understanding of your target market.

Here we look at some tips that will help make your simple videos powerful marketing tools.

Keyword and audience research

Research is the foundation of any marketing strategy and creating a YouTube channel is no different. Before you record your first video, you need to spend some time on YouTube doing some keyword searches. What keywords deliver the type of content you are looking to share? Understanding these keywords will help you optimize your content. In addition, that audience is searching for this information on YouTube. So, how can you target that audience?

Videos with a purpose

Once you understand the keywords and your audience, you can create content that targets these keyword terms and your target viewers. Keep your videos short and to the point, so that they can easily receive and understand the information they are searching. Be sure to include ways for them to follow up and connect with you when they desire. If you have a large topic you want to cover, consider breaking it up into a series of smaller videos. This caters to viewers who often have short focus time, bringing them back to view subsequent videos. Always stick to your topic at hand and don’t forget to include a call to action at the end of every video.

Don’t forget the video description

While the content you record is important, writing a good YouTube video description is often more important. A good description not only helps pique the viewers’ interest but also provides a way for them to contact you. In addition, it helps with SEO. A good description helps the algorithms better understand your content and suggest it to new viewers. When writing your description, focus on your keywords and be sure to include a call to action with a link to your website.

Be creative and have fun

Don’t be afraid to be creative and have fun when making your videos. Remember, YouTube viewers want to be entertained. Consider your keywords and think of unique ways to captivate your audience.

Add free promotions

Everyone loves free things and YouTube viewers are no different. Consider offering a free item, such as a mortgage guide download or a free mortgage consultation, at the end of your videos.

Using YouTube to your advantage

Taking advantage of YouTube marketing is a powerful way to bring in qualified new leads and take your business to the next level. If you are looking for more information or other lead-generating tools, the team at Good Vibe Squad is here to help. To learn more about our Unfair Advantage, contact the team today for a consultation and let us help boost your business!

The blog post YouTube Video Marketing for Loan Officers is courtesy of: Good Vibe Squad

Original post here: YouTube Video Marketing for Loan Officers

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