Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Tips on How to Take Pictures with a Selfie Stick for Lead Generation

Lead generation is essential to your success as a loan officer, and you know that building and nurturing a relationship is an important component. Social media, such as Facebook or Instagram, allows you to create a profile and connect with potential clients. Putting your best face forward is essential to get the most of this online interaction. But you need the perfect photos!! Enter the selfie stick! Not only can using a selfie stick help improve your profile photos, but it can also open up the world to many new photo opportunities.

Here we take a closer look at using a selfie stick and how it can help you boost your lead generation.

How to use a selfie stick for photos

Using a selfie stick to take your photos is relatively easy, especially now given most phones and selfies sticks offer Bluetooth connectivity. Simply pair your phone with your selfie stick, mount your phone into the device, and use the button on the selfie stick to snap your photo. While the process is easy enough, it doesn’t guarantee perfect photos. Here we offer some tips on how to make the most of your selfie stick when taking photos.

Watch your lighting

When it comes to the perfect photo, lighting makes all the difference. You need to pay close attention to your light source and how harsh it may appear, as well as if it casts shadows on your image. Natural and indirect light is your best friend. If you find that indoor lighting casts shadows or odd coloring, consider moving near a window to harness more natural light.

Make sure your lens is clean

Before you snap your photo, be sure to take the time to clean the camera lens on your phone. Do this AFTER you have your phone in place on the selfie stick to eliminate fingerprints or smudges that can ruin the perfect picture.

Take advantage of angles

With a selfie stick, you can take advantage of angles. For example, taking an image from a higher vantage point can help remove shadows and provide you with a more complimentary view for your profile shots. However, when working with angles, you also must consider the selfie stick, making sure your stick doesn’t make it into the image.

Keep your arms out of the photo

As we mentioned above, when using a selfie stick, you must take care to avoid your arms in the image. Adjusting the angle of the camera (phone) can help minimize the stick in your photos and allow for the focus to remain on you.

Find a solid background

When taking a selfie, your focus is often on you. However, you must put just as much focus on the background of your photo. For more professional photos, consider a solid wall or office background that is not overly cluttered.

Get creative

A selfie stick is not just for selfies. They allow you to bring creative angles and new perspectives to your photos. For example, when signing the closing papers with your clients, consider adding a photo of them signing their papers from an above angle.

Offer a smile

When taking a selfie, don’t forget to smile. This creates a much more inviting and personal image for potential clients.

Using selfie stick photos for your mortgage business

A selfie stick can offer many options to help boost your social media presence and lead generation. Not only can you use it for photos but consider adding some videos as well. Here are some tips that you can use your selfie stick to implement.

  • News – Whether you are adding industry news or company news, a video is a great way to give it a personal touch. Connect with your social media followers by creating a news video.
  • Onsite – Capturing the signing of loan papers and handing the keys over to a new home buyer is a great way to provide them with a photo as well as show potential clients your success.
  • Training videos – If you are adding new loan officers to your company, a training video is a great way to help them learn your company’s policies and their daily duties.
  • Sales – Looking for a new and unique sales marketing idea? Consider making a video introducing yourself and talking about how you can meet the needs of your potential clients.
  • Recruitment – Trying to hire new team members? Create a video with your current team and show potential prospects the amazing team they would be joining.
  • Video FAQs – Have you had followers ask questions online? What better way them to answer them through a FAQs video. This allows you to provide the answer they are looking for while also providing a personal connection. Chances are you will have other potential clients with the same questions as well.
  • Socials – Photos in general are a great way to connect with potential clients. Using your selfie stick to take photos of your office, closing signatures, awards, and more allows you to promote yourself and your company.

Selfie stick photos can boost lead generation

Adding a selfie stick to your marketing arsenal can help boost the quality of your images, as well as provide the opportunity to create unique views of your business. Adding these images to your social media accounts, as well as your website, can help nurture relationships and boost your lead generation.

If you are looking for additional lead generation, including automated marketing, the team at Good Vibe Squad is here to help you. To learn more about how we can help boost and automate your lead generation, contact us online today.

Tips on How to Take Pictures with a Selfie Stick for Lead Generation was originally published to:

Original post here: Tips on How to Take Pictures with a Selfie Stick for Lead Generation

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