Saturday, January 22, 2022

Mortgage Loan Ads Using LinkedIn

When mortgage loan officers think about LinkedIn marketing, they focus on their profile and networking with others, and the organic reach they can achieve with these marketing tools. However, LinkedIn offers a powerful ad platform that can be a great benefit for loan officers. Creating mortgage loan ads on LinkedIn can help drive new leads and referrals to your business.

Setting up LinkedIn mortgage loan ads

Setting up a LinkedIn ad campaign involves visiting their LinkedIn Marketing Solutions platform. Once you register and create your account, you are ready to start creating the campaign and ads that you want to run. However, before you get started, there are a few things to consider.

Set your objective

The first part of creating your LinkedIn campaign is determining its purpose. What exactly do you want to achieve with your ad campaign? LinkedIn offers three primary objectives for you to choose from. These include:

  • Awareness – Are you looking to simply boost your brand awareness? Choosing this objective allows you to promote your brand, services offered, your company profile, or a special event. This objective is a great way to boost brand awareness on LinkedIn.
  • Consideration – Under the consideration category, you can choose one of three options: website visits, engagement, and video views. These ad options can focus on driving traffic to your website or a specific page, help to increase engagement and followers to your LinkedIn profile, or share your videos with a wider following.
  • Conversions – Conversions is the third category and again has three different sub-choices: lead generation, website conversions, and job applicants. Here you can focus your campaign on things like capturing leads, driving traffic to your website for downloads/new registrations, or promoting job openings with your company.

Define target audience

The next step involves defining your target audience for your ads. This section allows you to choose from a wide range of different demographics, so it is important that you have a good understanding of your target audience.

Establish your budget

Once you have your objective and audience defined, it is time to set up your budget. If this is your first ad campaign, it is a good idea to start with a small daily budget that will allow you to test your ad. If, after a few days, you see that it is achieving the desired objective, then you can increase your budget as needed.

Schedule your campaign

Once your budget is set, it is time to schedule your campaign. Choose a start date and then you can choose to run the campaign for a certain amount of time or continuously.

Track your conversion

Once everything for your campaign is set up, the most important part is making sure you set up conversion tracking. Here you will need to click on “Add Conversions” and choose you conversion settings. This will allow you to track your individual campaign and see the actions that people take after they click on your ad.

Types of LinkedIn ads

Once you create your campaign, your focus turns to your ad creation and ad type. LinkedIn offers a wide range of advertising opportunities with different ad placement and promotions. Here we take a look at some of the various options you have available.

Sponsored content

Sponsored content, also known as native ads, shows up as promoted ads in the LinkedIn feeds of your targeted audience. There are four different types of ads that you can choose to use for sponsored content.

  • Single image ads – This ad uses a single photo image with an ad name, headline, and introductory text. You also have a wide range of call-to-action choices you can include. This ad will link directly to the URL of your choice.
  • Video ads – Video ads offer the same choices as a single image ad except the image is replaced with an MP4 video.
  • Carousel ads – Carousel ads allow you to tell a story using images and text that lead a prospect to take action. Here you can choose between 2-10 carousel cards with a maximum file size of 10MB.
  • Event ads – Event ads are geared to boosting your attendance at LinkedIn events.

Sponsored messaging

Sponsored messaging delivers ads directly to the inboxes of LinkedIn members. These messages can help boost engagement and get conversations started with interested leads. There are two different types of ads available for sponsored messaging.

  • Conversation ads – These ads are designed to engage and promote conversation and conversion with LinkedIn prospects. These allow for the creation of a message along with images and links that can include your website, email signup, webinar registration, and more.
  • Message ads – Message ads are designed to spark conversation and action. These are a great way to introduce yourself to prospective clients and encourage them to return the message or visit your website for more information.

Text and dynamic ads

These ads run in the LinkedIn right rail section and are only visible to those logged in on a desktop computer. There are three main options in this ad category.

  • Text ads – These ads are text-only and can help drive new customers to your business on a budget.
  • Spotlight ads – Spotlight ads allow you to showcase a product or service and help boost traffic to your website.
  • Follower ads – Follower ads are designed to help boost your LinkedIn page followers and increase your audience.

Let LinkedIn work for your mortgage business

LinkedIn, as well as LinkedIn mortgage ads, can be a great addition to your lead generation program and a great way to boost your business. If you are looking for additional lead generation ideas, contact Good Vibe Squad and we got you covered. Check out our Unfair Advantage and Fastrack systems to see how they can help you achieve your lead generation goals.

The following blog post Mortgage Loan Ads Using LinkedIn is available on:

Original post here: Mortgage Loan Ads Using LinkedIn

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