Saturday, April 23, 2022

YouTube Ads for Loan Officers

As a loan officer, your goal is to connect with potential clients and work to establish a relationship with them and possible referral partners. Adding video to your mortgage marketing, such as YouTube, is a great way to do so. While YouTube may be known as a source of entertainment content, YouTube marketing is quickly becoming a must-have tool that can make a substantial difference to your lead generation success.

What are YouTube ads?

In our technology-based world, everyone is looking for the next viral video. The average person now spends more time watching online than watching major television networks. YouTube offers videos to watch at no charge, attracting more than 122 million people every day!

YouTube ads are video or graphic advertisements that play or display before a video starts or in-steam during a video a user is watching. These are managed through Google AdWords, where you can upload your marketing material, choose the targeting audience and video type, and decide on your marketing budget.

How do YouTube ads help your mortgage business?

YouTube videos are in front of millions of people every day, meaning you have a large potential audience to target. YouTube ads boost traffic to your site, bring potential customers into your sales funnel, and retarget past clients with new and exciting information.

Build brand awareness

Using YouTube ads allows you to personally introduce yourself and your mortgage company, letting potential clients get to know you and the services you offer. Through Google AdWords, you can use these ads to target potential clients based on your geographical area. By promoting your business personally, such as through video marketing, you allow yourself to stand out above the competition.

Attract them into your sales funnel

People are often more likely to engage with a business after hearing testimonials from clients in similar situations. Making a personal mortgage video with a satisfied customer testimonial, for instance, showcases you and your business and is more likely to draw in potential new clients.


Because YouTube Ads go through Google AdWords, you can take advantage of your current retargeting of email subscribers through your AdWords campaign. In addition, you can add the AdWords pixel to your website, allowing you to target your YouTube ads to those users that have previously visited your website.

Types of YouTube Ads

YouTube ads offer a wide array of different ad opportunities. These can include videos that stream before an entertainment video, play in-between videos that can be skipped, and display ad banners. Before you consider which ad will work best for you, let’s take a closer look at what is available.

1. TrueView In-Stream Ads

TrueView In-Steam Ads play before, during, or after the video plays. These can be a maximum of three minutes long, but the viewer can skip the ad after about five seconds. They appear on YouTube watch pages, videos from partner sites, and the Google Display Network. These are often used to create buying intent.

2. TrueView Video Discovery Ads

These ads appear as a thumbnail image and description in the YouTube search results, similar to other video content. This is a great option for brand awareness.

3. Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads

While this is the least popular option of marketing among YouTube viewers, this video marketing option allows for a 15-20 second video advertisement that plays before a video can be viewed. Users are not able to skip past the video. This is beneficial if you want to ensure that a user watches your ad from beginning to end.

4. Bumper Ads

Bumper ads are short, six-second or less, ads that the viewer cannot skip. These ads play before, during, or after the intended video on YouTube videos, partner site videos, and on the Display Network. This is another marketing option that is great for brand awareness.

5. Display Ads

If video ads are not your thing, YouTube offers other options. Display ads allow you to place an image and text in the search results to the right of the video. Users can read your ad and click directly on your website. This method is great for driving traffic to your site and boosting lead generation.

6. Overlay Ads

This is another non-video advertisement option. With overlay ads, you create a banner that can include simple text or images, such as a logo, that will display across the bottom of the screen during video play. The user then can close the banner or click to be directed to your website. Again, this is another good option to drive traffic to your site.

7. Sponsored Card Ads

Similar to overlay banner ads, sponsored cards subtly display while users watch their chosen video. These cards are smaller and serve as a call-to-action button that the user can click to find out more information.

Adding YouTube Ads to Your Marketing Strategy

With a huge audience, it makes sense to include YouTube ads in your marketing strategy to help boost lead generation and help to build relationships with clients. Lead generation is essential to the success of any loan officer, and YouTube offers one more tool for your marketing strategy.

At Good Vibes Squad, we understand how important good lead generation is to your business success, and our goal is to help you achieve your goals. Our Unfair Advantage system can help give you a boost over your competition. To learn more, schedule a call with us today.

YouTube Ads for Loan Officers was originally seen on:

Original post here: YouTube Ads for Loan Officers

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