Saturday, April 23, 2022

Mortgage Marketing Tips: Facebook Video Ads Best Practice

When it comes to mortgage marketing, you often share the same home pictures or finance rates as the other mortgage loan officers in your area, making it difficult to stand out against the competition. Facebook ad videos may be the solution. Creating unique and inviting video ads is often the perfect way to set yourself apart from the competition. Here are some of the best practices for video ads on Facebook.

What are Facebook video ads?

Facebook video ads are advertisements that utilize a video format. These ads do not require technical video knowledge. If you have a phone with a camera, good lighting, and a message to share with the public, you can create a video ad.

Facebook has also learned that users engage with video content much more than traditional advertising. In fact, the Sprout Social Index 2020 reported that 50% of consumers are likely to engage with video advertising while on social media platforms, such as Facebook.

How can Facebook video ads help your mortgage business?

Adding video ads to your marketing strategy allows you and your business to stand out in an overly crowded market. In an industry like the mortgage, much of your information is the same as the lender next door. The goal of your marketing campaign should be to find a way to share that information while still standing out, and Facebook video ads allow you to do just that.

10 best practices for video ads on Facebook

When you decide to add Facebook video ads to your marketing arsenal, you must consider a few things first. Let’s take a look at some best practices for video ad creation.

1. Capture attention right away

Let’s be honest, when it comes to scrolling through Facebook, our attention span is limited. Facebook reports that the average attention span of the average human is about 8.25 seconds. When it comes to your video ad, you need to capture the attention of your video audience within the first few seconds to help ensure they will listen to your complete message.

2. Tell the story without sound

How many of you scroll through Facebook without your sound on? Statistics show that 85% of Facebook ads are watched without sound. So, it is important that your audience can understand your video message in silence. You can use captions, text overlay, or simple yet powerful imagery.

3. Make people feel

A good video ad makes those watching feel and connects to the business. When creating content or a story for your video, you want to provide information or a story that will invoke emotions from the person watching to connect.

4. Retarget your email list

When you publish a video ad, do not just blindly set it loose to everyone in the hopes of conversion. Targeting your ad to your current list of followers or email subscribers is the best place to start and the most likely audience to offer conversion.

5. Write compelling copy

Along with a great video is a great written copy. With this, you will have a short headline and description that should align with your video, spark a sense of urgency, and include a call to action.

6. Customize a thumbnail image

A thumbnail image is the image that displays in the video listing, shows before your video starts, and again displays when the video ends. When displayed in the video ad listing, a play button is displayed over this image. When setting up your ad, Facebook gives you the option of dynamically adding three thumbnail images that can be altered based on where they are displayed to. When choosing these images, you want something that will catch the attention of users and match your video copy and content.

7. Choose the right campaign objective

When creating your Facebook video ad, your first step focuses on ensuring you are choosing the right marketing objective. Facebook offers 11 different objectives, such as brand awareness, app installs, or traffic.

8. Keep it short

As we mentioned above, the average attention span is about 8.25 seconds. While a compelling video can capture a viewer for much longer than that, your video should get directly to the point and not drag out too long, as the longer it runs, the more likely a viewer is to move on and not convert.

9. Split test your video ads

Facebook video ads offer the ability to split test your video ads. Split testing is a process that allows you to adjust variables to see which version better connects with an audience. Different variables can include the audience, creativity, placements, and delivery options.

10. Monitor performance

As with any portion of your marketing strategy, it is important to monitor the performance of your video ads. Facebook offers a wide range of tracking information that includes everything from a view-through rate to click-throughs. Monitoring your video performance can give you an idea of what is working and what is not.

Let videos boost your business

In today’s technology-based world, the possible marketing platforms are endless. As a loan officer, your goal is to try and stand out above the competition in all your marketing efforts. Adding good video ads is a great way to connect with potential leads and uniquely offer information. A steady stream of leads is essential to business success.

The team at Good Vibe Squad understands just how time-consuming that task can be. Our Unfair Advantage system is a great way to boost your lead generation and conversions, helping you to soar above your competition. To learn more, schedule a call with us today.

The article Mortgage Marketing Tips: Facebook Video Ads Best Practice is courtesy of:

Original post here: Mortgage Marketing Tips: Facebook Video Ads Best Practice

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