Saturday, November 12, 2022

8 Best Mortgage Lead Providers

As a mortgage loan officer, you know that generating quality leads is essential to the success of your business. At the same time, you also know how difficult lead generation can be, especially for new loan officers just starting out. Finding quality mortgage leads can be difficult for even the most seasoned loan officers, and, because of these challenges, many successful loan officers turn to mortgage lead generation specialists in order to help ensure a steady stream of quality leads. But how do you know which lead generation company is best for you? Here we take a closer look at what lead generation companies do, how they can benefit your business, and evaluate some of the top active companies.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand how lead generation providers gain quality leads
  • Learn how to find the best lead generation company for your business
  • Explore some of the top lead-generation providers

How do lead generation companies work?

Lead generation companies specialize in generating leads that they can then sell to a business wishing to purchase leads. In today’s digital arena, these companies often use multiple optimized websites and social media platforms to attract borrowers looking for a new home loan or homeowners looking for mortgage refinancing. Each of these platforms offers standard online forms to gather information from the user which is then passed on to mortgage companies looking to purchase leads.

In addition, some lead generation companies also take advantage of phone traffic that comes in from published phone numbers. When these leads call in, the lead generation companies can either collect the user’s information and pass it on to a mortgage company purchasing leads or directly transfer the user to the loan officer directly.

Lead generation companies can also work directly with loan officers to help develop their own lead generation strategy to bring in leads. They help you analyze your target market, develop targeted lead-generation strategies, and leverage specific digital marketing techniques that allow you to generate your own qualified leads.

Top mortgage lead providers

When it comes to using a lead generation provider, chances are you have heard stories of companies selling poor-quality leads, leaving loan officers out of money with no leads. While this is not uncommon, there are reputable companies that offer qualified mortgage leads that can truly boost your business. Here we take a look at 10 of the top mortgage lead providers.

1. Good Vibe Squad

Good Vibe Squad is a lead generation service that works exclusively with mortgage loan officers, so they understand the specific needs of the industry. They offer a comprehensive Done-For-You fractional CMO service that essentially takes over your existing marketing strategy and implements a proven process for lead generation. They provide you with system training, sales training, phone scripts, and more in order to generate the leads your business needs.


  • Done-for-you fractional CMO system
  • Qualified lead generation
  • Effective advertising strategies
  • High-performance coaching
  • Access their mastermind community

“I just started the program and was drawn to give them my business because of their honesty, approach, and being super transparent. Their organization obviously enjoys working together, and it shows. GVS has a great attitude and there was never any push to join. I can't wait to see the proven results they stand behind. They are marketing geniuses, everything they use is super clean, definitely stands apart.”

Google Reviews

2. Loanbright

Founded by retired loan officers, Loanbright has been an industry leader in mortgage lead solutions for over 20 years. Loanbright runs a powerful advertising and marketing engine that draws in new qualified leads every day. As a client, you can log into their system and choose the leads best matched for your business. You pay for leads monthly and they require no long-term commitments.


  • Real-time lead displays
  • Focused local leads
  • No long-term commitment

“I have worked with Loan Bright since 2010. I've had 2 different account reps and both Regina and Chris are great. The leads are pretty standard internet-generated shared leads but they are priced right and have a good return policy so you aren't paying for bad data. I definitely recommend Loan bright to Loan Officers looking to increase their production.”

Google Reviews

3. LeadPops

LeadPops offers a slightly different lead generation service that not only focuses on lead generation but also on every stage of your sales pipeline. The goal of this method is to not only focus on quality lead generation but also ensure that every lead brought in receives the attention and nurturing they need in order to convert.


  • Conversion Pro Website™
  • Local SEO
  • Digital advertising
  • A partnered success coach
  • Conversion funnels
  • Integration with your current CRM

“Lindsay and the entire team has been great to work with at LeadPops!! They were very efficient in getting my site launched, and setting up all of the funnels. I highly recommend working with them for your lead capture and lead prospecting systems.”

Google Reviews

4. Chime Solution Suite

Chime Solution Suite is a robust CRM system that provides the tools necessary for loan officers to generate and nurture new leads through targeted multichannel online advertising services. When these ads attract new leads, they are directed to a form where they provide contact information that is sent directly to your CRM that, in turn, sends out a welcome email, initiating new lead contact immediately.


  • Robust mortgage industry CRM
  • Multichannel online advertising service
  • Automated lead nurturing program

“Chime has a user-friendly interface. It makes lead generation and follow-up easy. It also helps make you efficient with your time with the AI that tells you who you should be calling. It has so many features rolled into one CRM. It also has the sleekest property alert emails, which helps with our leads coming back to the website more frequently.”

Google Reviews

5. Top of Mind/Black Knight

While not technically a lead generation company, Top of Mind, owned by Black Knight offers its Surefire CRM as a powerful mortgage marketing solution that can help you generate your own leads. The combination of lead generation and integration into a powerful CRM helps to accelerate your current mortgage marketing strategies and boost lead generation.


  • Surefire CRM
  • Power Messaging
  • Power Calls
  • Data management
  • Personalized training

“Surefire CRM makes it easy to stay "Top of Mind" with your clients, prospects, referral partners, and more. It truly builds relationships. They have a built-in library of marketing emails and flyers, which is amazing; you basically don't need to do any work because the SureFire CRM does it for you.”

Google Reviews

6. Mortgage Growth System

The team at Mortgage Growth System helps lenders boost their lead generation and business growth through a combination of quality lead generation strategies, cutting-edge technology, trained telemarketers, and personalized coaching. They promote the fact that they generate leads for your business as opposed to selling leads, giving you a better return on your investment.


  • Weekly Zoom calls with
  • Momentum Coaching each week
  • Lead quality guarantees
  • Ability to automatically segment leads based on qualification ability
  • Optional appointment setters to handle booking new lead appointments
  • Pre-approval guarantees
  • Month-to-month options

“If your looking to generate leads, Mortgage Growth Systems is a great system to implement! Brandon is very helpful and patient with our questions. Would recommend this company any day!”

Google Reviews

7. LeadPress

LeadPress does not offer lead generation but instead helps you create a lead generation website that actually works to bring in leads. With specific lead generation tools, such as lead capture forms, LeadPress creates search engine and mobile-friendly sites designed to increase lead generation and conversion.


  • Fully designed, managed, and hosted websites designed for lead generation
  • Websites optimization for your target audience
  • Integrated Google Analytics to allow for tracking
  • Lead generation tools such as optimized landing pages, lead capture forms, and conversion funnels

8. Mortgage Leads Direct

Mortgage Leads Direct is a part of the Leads Direct Network providing fresh new leads to a variety of different industries. Leads are posted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in real-time. You are able to browse leads as they come in a pick and choose the leads you want. Mortgage Leads Direct pricing is based on a tiered structure dependent on the age of the lead. Leads begin at a base price at acquisition and are discounted in price the longer they are within the system, with prices ranging from $6.50 to $0.30 per lead.


  • Leads available in real-time, as well as seasoned leads at a reduced cost
  • No long-term commitments
  • Sign up and lead browsing is free

Comparison Table

Lead Generation Company Features Pricing User Reviews
Good Vibe Squad Done-for-you fractional CMO system |
Qualified lead generation |
Effective advertising strategies |
High-performance coaching |
Access their mastermind community
Pricing determined based on your business needs 4.9 stars based on 63 Google Reviews
Loanbright Real-time lead displays |
Focused local leads |
No long-term commitment
Offers a risk-free trial, with average monthly minimums of around $200 3.9 stars based on 16 Google reviews
LeadPops Conversion Pro Website™ |
Local SEO |
Digital advertising |
A partnered success coach |
Conversion funnels |
Integration with your current CRM
Prices start at $97/month based on the plan chosen 4.9 stars based on 739 Google reviews
Chime Solution Suite Robust mortgage industry CRM |
Multichannel online advertising service |
Automated lead nurturing program
Pricing determined based on your business needs 4.5 stars based on 90 G2 Reviews
Top of Mind Surefire CRM |
Power Messaging |
Power Calls |
Data management |
Personalized training
Pricing determined based on your business needs 4.3 stars based on 17 G2 reviews
Mortgage Growth System Weekly Zoom calls with Momentum Coaching each week |
Lead quality guarantees |
Ability to automatically segment leads based on qualification ability |
Optional appointment setters to handle booking new lead appointments
Pre-approval guarantees
Month-to-month options
Pricing determined based on your business needs 5.0 stars based on 2 Google reviews
LeadPress Fully designed, managed, and hosted websites designed for lead generation |
Website optimization for your target audience |
Integrated Google Analytics to allow for tracking |
Lead generation tools such as optimized landing pages, lead capture forms, and conversion funnels
Pricing starts at $78 No current reviews are available
Mortgage Leads Direct Leads available in real-time, as well as seasoned leads at a reduced cost |
No long-term commitments |
Sign up and lead browsing is free
Prices range from $0.30 to $6.50 per lead No current reviews are available

Choosing the best lead generation company

Not all mortgage lead generation companies are created equally, so you will need to consider numerous factors when choosing the right company for your business. To start, are you looking to purchase leads outright or are you looking for lead generation companies that will help you generate the leads your business needs? If you are purchasing leads from a lead generation company, consider asking these questions:

  • Do they work on a cost-per-lead, or do they charge commissions on leads that convert?
  • Are leads sold at a fixed price?
  • Is there a minimum order size?
  • Is there a refund policy for poor-quality leads?
  • Are leads delivered in real-time?
  • Do they provide exclusive mortgage leads?
  • Is lead generation compliant with GDPR and FCA regulations?

If you are looking for a lead generation marketing company that will help you generate the leads your business needs, consider these questions:

  • Does the agency specialize in mortgage lead generation?
  • Do they offer a trial period where you can evaluate the success of their lead generation model?
  • Do they offer case studies that show their success in the mortgage business, including conversion rates?
  • Do they offer websites, CRMs, social media marketing strategies, or additional options?

Should you use a mortgage lead provider or generate your own?

As a loan officer or loan originator, generating leads is essential for your business. When it comes to leads, you must decide whether you want to buy mortgage leads directly or invest in the tools to generate your own mortgage leads. While purchasing leads may seem like the easier solution, keep in mind that when you stop paying for leads, you likely will not have any new leads coming in. Choosing a company that gives you the tools to drive leads to your business helps to ensure that you have a continuous stream of leads coming in.

Quality lead generation is essential for success

Generating quality leads is essential for any successful loan officer and finding the right lead-generation company for your business can make all the difference in your success. When choosing the right mortgage lead provider for your business, focus on finding a company that works well with you, offers the best quality lead generation options, and fits within your budget.

Let us help boost your lead generation efforts

At Good Vibe Squad, we understand how vital quality lead generation is to loan officers in the mortgage industry. Our Unfair Advantage program provides you with a complete system designed to generate high-quality leads on a regular basis, allowing you to shift your focus to closing! To learn more about how our team can help your business grow, book a strategy call today.

8 Best Mortgage Lead Providers is available on:

Original post here: 8 Best Mortgage Lead Providers

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