Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Adding Live Chat Box for Mortgage Websites

In today’s world, people are used to being able to access information and what they need at the touch of a button. When it comes to your mortgage website, potential clients want access to fast responses, quality customer service, and easy-to-use tools to obtain the information they need at any time of day or night. But how can you provide this? How can clients ask mortgage questions online and receive answers in real-time? The answer may be as simple as adding a live chat box to your website.

What is a live chat tool?

A live chat tool is a software medium that allows your clients to engage with your mortgage business in real-time via messaging. Customers visiting your website can ask questions and engage with your business at the touch of a button, day or night, helping to promote a personalized customer experience, quality brand interaction, and an edge over your competitors.

Live chat boxes can offer direct messaging directly to a customer support team through Facebook messaging or even SMS so your live agents can receive communication directly. With the advancement of bots and artificial intelligence, you do not even need to have live representatives available at all times. These bots can directly answer many of the customer's questions.

How does a live chat for a mortgage website help drive new business?

By offering immediate solutions to your customers, you can help to nurture and build positive customer relationships. The addition of live chatbots offers many different benefits for your business. Here we take a look at some of the top advantages.

Improve customer service

Attracting customers to your website is essential. However, if there is nothing to engage customers on your website, they will likely move on to your competition. The addition of a chatbox allows for instant engagement with your business and gives them the answers they need when they are looking for it.

Customer convenience

People aren’t constantly searching for information about mortgages during your traditional business hours. Whether they work during the day or simply decided midnight was the time to find information, being able to address their questions and concerns when they are looking for answers is essential, and a live chat provides just that.

In addition, many people cannot access the phone during your business hours as they themselves work. Offering a live chatbot enables them to have a constantly open line of communication with you even when a phone call is not an option.

Answer common questions

Even if you cannot offer a live conversation with a human, chatbots allow you to offer quick and simple answers to many of the common questions your mortgage customers are likely to ask.

Build a reputation for fast responses

When potential clients find your website, they look for answers to their questions. Before adding live chat boxes, clients looking for information after hours had to wait for the next day, or they moved on to a competitor’s website. With the addition of a chatbox, you can now engage with clients in real-time and provide the answers they are looking for. This helps your business build a reputation for fast responses and providing the information clients are looking for when they need it.

Adding a live chat with immediate responses allows potential clients looking for a mortgage to receive answers right away, meaning they are less likely to search out a competitor. Gone are the days when they need to wait for your office hours to receive a return call and answer their inquiries.

Helps mortgage professionals provide value

Adding a chatbot can add value to your mortgage business and customers. Using a chatbox can lower your operational costs and minimize human resources. For customers, you can offer improved customer service with the ability to be with them 24/7.

Things to look for when choosing a chatbox tool

With so many chatbox tools available on the market, how do you know what to look for when choosing the right platform for your mortgage business?

The following must-have features are essential to helping your chat box feature succeed:

  • Support for multiple conversation platforms, such as Facebook Messenger and SMS
    Artificial intelligence-enabled capabilities
  • The ability to convert from bot technology to a live person for more complicated issues
  • Complete integration with your CRM
  • Ability to embed forms into the chat, allowing you to provide loan application forms

Why live chat works

If you are still questioning whether your business can benefit from adding a chatbox, you are not alone. Statistics show that only 35% of businesses think their potential customers desire a live chat function. However, that number is far lower than the 69% of customers demanding live features and the 73% of customers that find live chat the most satisfactory form of communication.

To further show the benefits of adding live chats to your website, let’s look at a few more statistics:

  • Live chat is the #1 service choice for shoppers between 18-49 years old
  • Millennials are 20% more likely to use chat
  • 60% of people want a quick reaction from support to their inquiry
  • Customers who use live chat spend up to 60% more per purchase
  • Live chat improves conversion rates by 3.84%
  • Live chat reduces costs by 15-33% compared to the use of traditional phone support
  • By 2022, 85% of businesses are expected to offer live chat support

Adding a chatbox can boost your business.

In today’s technology-based environment, clients want instant access to the information and services that you offer. Adding a chat box to your website allows for this instant interaction and can give your business the edge over your competitors. The team at Good Vibe Squad knows the importance of creating an edge over your competitors to help you boost your business. Contact us today.

The following post Adding Live Chat Box for Mortgage Websites was first published to:

Original post here: Adding Live Chat Box for Mortgage Websites

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