Thursday, March 31, 2022

Using Excel for Mortgage Pipeline Spreadsheet

If you are just getting started or do not consider yourself tech-savvy, you may consider managing your mortgage loan pipeline with Excel software. Excel mortgage management offers powerful capabilities. Are there better alternatives for mortgage loan pipeline management?

What is Excel?

Excel is a Microsoft software program that you may already have on your computer system if you use Microsoft Office. It is software designed to create spreadsheets containing data in rows and columns that offer the ability to track any data manually.

Using Excel for your mortgage business

Making the decision to use Excel for your mortgage business is because it is easily accessible as it is already on your computer. Once you open the software, you will see that it has a fairly low learning curve, meaning even those without a lot of technical knowledge can use it to meet their goals. Excel offers many different options to track your business from a mortgage business perspective.

1. Contact database

Managing contacts is essential for any successful business, and the mortgage business is no different. When you receive a contact's information, you need a way to store this data in a centralized location. An Excel allows you to create a workbook that stores and organizes contacts based on name, contact information, and any other pertinent information you choose to collect.

2. Track marketing efforts

Once you have your contacts organized, you can begin your marketing efforts and track those efforts. You can create a duplicate contact data spreadsheet with additional fields for all of your marketing campaigns, such as “welcome email,” “marketing campaign 1,” etc. When you manually send a marketing email, you can check off the spot for each contact listing, helping to ensure that each contact receives the correct emails and no one receives a duplicate email.

3. Manage loan pipeline

Tracking a prospect's progress through your loan pipeline is another way that Excel can help. Similar to the above, you create a duplicate contact spreadsheet with additional columns for each stage of your pipeline, such as “started,” “application completed,” “loan in process,” etc. As a client moves through the pipeline, you can check off each segment.

4. Track borrower’s documents

Documents are a necessary part of the loan application process, and ensuring you have all the necessary documents is essential. Creating another spreadsheet with all your contact information and additional columns with each of the necessary loan documents allows you to mark them off as received, making it easier to keep track and ensure you have all the necessary documents.


While Excel offers many benefits for organizing your contacts and managing your business pipeline, there are some major downsides to using this program. These disadvantages can include:

1. Time-consuming

As you can see from the above discussion, everything must be entered manually when it comes to using an Excel sheet for information management. This can be a very time-consuming process and takes away valuable time throughout the day.

2. Prone to errors

Unfortunately, we are all human, and errors happen. Whether you make a simple typo or become distracted while entering information, it is common to have errors when entering data into an Excel spreadsheet. These human errors can, unfortunately, cause you to lose potential clients.

3. No automation

Because Excel cannot automate any of these explained processes, this means that for everything you want to track, you must enter all necessary information manually. For example, if you are doing a marketing campaign, you would open your marketing Excel spreadsheet. Then you would manually send out an email to each contact, making sure to check off each contact when the email is sent. This can mean a day full of work and a higher risk of human error. Performing all these potentially automated tasks reduces your efficiency and productivity.

An alternative solution to Excel

An alternative exists that can take all the powerful tools of Excel and automate them for you. A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software helps you manage your database, track your pipelines, and perform the above tasks, freeing up time for you and your teams to focus on other business areas.

How can a CRM make a difference? Let’s look at the same tasks as above and how moving from Excel into a CRM would improve your productivity and efficiency.

1. Contact database

With a CRM, you can say goodbye to manual data entry. In fact, you can integrate your CRM with all your existing forms of lead collection, such as your website, and when you receive a new lead contact, it will automatically add to your database. It also allows you to pull leads automatically from sites such as Zillow, Trulia, and more.

As your leads are entered automatically, you also have access to those leads immediately, meaning you can start your marketing efforts right away. And if you can respond to leads within five minutes, statistics show you are nine times more likely to engage with your business successfully.

2. Track marketing efforts

While Excel allows you to track marketing efforts, it does not allow for automation. This means every time you want to send an email and check it off for a contact, every step of the process must be done manually. With a CRM, you can assign tasks based on certain time frames or dates, and email marketing campaigns can be sent automatically. For example, when a new lead is added to the database, it can trigger an action that automatically sends a welcome email to the contact. This frees up your time to focus on other areas of the business.

3. Manage loan pipeline

Managing the loan pipeline also becomes much easier. When a client’s loan status changes, it automatically changes in the CRM. This change can automatically trigger a new task for a team member based on the specific change.

4. Track borrower’s documents

With an integrated CRM, document collection and management become easier for you and your borrower. They can scan their documents and upload them directly to you. Once received, they are automatically entered into the CRM and checked off the checklist. If your borrower is missing certain documents, it will trigger a reminder email pointing out the documents that are still required. This means the borrower knows what you need.

Adding a CRM can improve productivity and efficiency.

While using Excel can be a great tool for small businesses, it can become overwhelming and time-consuming as your business grows. You lose valuable time to repetitive tasks that automation can fix during the day, leaving you more time to focus on your clients and other business areas. The addition of a CRM can help boost productivity and efficiency throughout your business.

Using Excel for Mortgage Pipeline Spreadsheet was first published on: Good Vibe Squad

Original post here: Using Excel for Mortgage Pipeline Spreadsheet

Facebook Ad Alternatives for Mortgage Officers

When most business owners think of social media marketing, Facebook is the typical go-to platform. As of January 2022, statistics show that Facebook is the most active social media platform and has over 2.91 billion active monthly users. While advertising is often necessary, there are Facebook alternatives that make more sense to you as a mortgage officer. What are these social media alternatives, and how can they help boost your business?

Why consider alternative platforms?

With the comprehensive reach Facebook offers and the most advanced audience targeting options in their advertising platform, why would you consider looking for alternative social media advertising options?

Facebook advertising costs continue to climb.

As the Facebook platform has grown, so has the demand for advertising space by businesses worldwide. In fact, 87.1% of businesses use Facebook as part of their digital marketing plan. This high demand for space has ultimately increased the cost of reaching your target audience. In addition, if you are new to Facebook advertising, it can be an expensive marketing option when you are still working to determine your specific target audience.

Facebook advertising bans are becoming more common.

Unfortunately, Facebook has a reputation for blocking and disabling advertising accounts on its platform despite following all its policies and rules. If you have all your social media marketing budget locked into Facebook alone, this random account suspension can eliminate your marketing completely.

Ability to leverage more platforms

With the help of Facebook’s advanced targeting options, you have identified your target audience and have a deeper understanding of the content they are looking for and what makes them click through a link. Taking advantage of this knowledge allows you to venture out to other social media platforms and boost your online visibility.

Not all clients use Facebook.

While Facebook does boast the most users of any social media platform, that doesn’t mean that your target audience is a daily Facebook user. Putting all your eggs in the Facebook basket may leave many potential leads out of your marketing plan. Adding additional platforms that target different users allows you to diversify your marketing plan and reach more potential leads.

Facebook advertisement alternatives

You have decided to expand your digital marketing strategy to add additional platforms, but how do you know which platforms best match your target audience and business needs?

Here we take a look at some of the top platforms that work well for the mortgage industry.

LinkedIn Ads

The LinkedIn platform is a social media network designed for business professionals. This platform is a great way for mortgage officers to make referral connections with other professionals and real estate agents. As you network with other professionals, it can also help bring in new leads, given that most LinkedIn users are likely to fit with your target audience.


  • Ads are easy to create on the LinkedIn platform and go live immediately
  • Multiple ad units are available
  • LinkedIn focuses on messaging and interacting
  • Ability to target users based on employer, job titles, education level, industry, professional certifications, and more


  • Minimum daily advertising budget required
  • No custom reporting or tracking
  • Limited additional audience customization
  • The advertising interface is missing some key features, such as a media library or the ability to duplicate ads.

Instagram Ads

While Instagram and Facebook are both owned by the same parent company, they do offer different demographics when it comes to advertising. When creating advertising through Facebook Ad Manager, you can also create a campaign for Instagram. Considering this, your available ad types are the same as those found on Facebook.


  • Detailed audience targeting through the Facebook Ad Manager
  • An eye-catching platform that does well with photo and video advertising options


  • Limited audience with most users being between 18-34 years of age
  • It takes time to manage and update ads

TikTok Ads

With around 800 million active users and growing every day, TikTok offers a new social media platform that may very well meet your marketing needs. While originally a platform that targeted teens and young adults, the platform is widely diverse now, with almost 50% of users between the age of 25-44. TikTok offers five different brand solution advertising options on their platform that are highly engaging.


  • Can increase and widen your audience base
  • The audience can engage in multiple ways
  • Easily trackable ad performance metrics


  • Limited content formats
  • Time-consuming ad creation
  • Can be expensive for both video creation and advertising cost

Twitter Ads

As of 2022, Twitter has over 330 million active users and growing. Twitter appeals to both business and personal use, similar to Facebook, so you can promote a wider variety of different advertisements. Promoted tweets, promoted accounts, and promoted trends allow for different advertising options and prices can be based on per-click actions (including likes, retweets, etc.), monthly costs, or costs based on the number of followers your account has.


  • Able to target the audience that sees your ad
  • Multiple advertisement options


  • Analytics is lacking
  • Because of Twitter’s rapid stream of information, getting lost in the shuffle of tweets is common
  • Hard to track ROI

YouTube Ads

Video content can be a powerful marketing option that delivers content in a much more personal format. With over 230 million active users, this platform allows you to reach a wide range of targets. However, to advertise on this platform, you will actually go through Google Ads. There are two types of ads available on YouTube. Ads played before a video can be long or short but can be skipped after five seconds. In-video ads play during a break in the video and must be watched in their entirety.


  • Large audience with YouTube being the second largest online search engine next to Google
  • Google AdWords allows for targeted advertising


  • Unable to control which videos your ads appear in
  • Skip feature allows users to skip your ad

Reddit Ads

With over 480 million active users each month, Reddit is another social media platform that can be beneficial if you can find relevant subreddit topics to target. Reddit advertising can start for as little as $5 and is a great option for those just starting out in digital advertising and on a small budget. Reddit offers both promoted posts and display ads.


  • Simple format and easy to create an account
  • Ability to target your audience
  • Reddit is very effective at driving traffic
  • Extremely diverse audience offering a wide potential of advertising opportunities
  • Quality ad tracking


  • Overflowing with content and easy to get lost in the shuffle
  • Fresh content is needed regularly
  • It can require a lot of work to find the best-targeted areas

Social media advertising is not limited to Facebook.

Digital marketing is essential to reach your audience and generate new leads. By diversifying your digital marketing between social media platforms, you allow more exposure. Good Vibe Squad understands the importance of social media to boost your business.

Contact us to learn more about our services.

The post Facebook Ad Alternatives for Mortgage Officers is republished from:

Original post here: Facebook Ad Alternatives for Mortgage Officers

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Testimonial Marketing: Using Client Testimonials for Lead Generation

As a mortgage professional, your business depends on quality lead generation to achieve success. One tool is often overlooked, despite being a valuable lead generation tool. Satisfied clients often offer reviews, and these can be powerful in the world of lead generation. Why are testimonials important when targeting new leads?

What is testimonial marketing?

Testimonial marketing is nothing new and has been around for years. This advertising method involves using positive comments about a product or brand being shared by others. This type of advertising aims to help create and strengthen your business’s credibility.
For example, think about some of your favorite commercials that highlight famous celebrities or sports icons talking about how great a product or service is. While you may not have access to a celebrity spokesperson, everyday client testimonials can work in exactly the same way.

Why are testimonials important and effective?

While you may simply think of reviews as a nice touch to your website, they play a bigger role than you may expect regarding how a potential client views your business. A report on customer review trends for 2022 shows that 98% of people read online reviews for local businesses. In fact, 78% of people use the internet more than once a week to find out information about their local businesses.

This shows that these reviews and testimonials are being read. But what difference is it really making? How could it affect your mortgage business? Reports show that online reviews are important to very important for 76% of consumers when choosing a business.

Strategies for testimonial marketing

Testimonials can be used throughout your marketing strategy, in various ways, and on different platforms. Here are a few different ways a well-placed testimonial can help boost your lead generation.

Include testimonials in email marketing

Adding quality testimonials to your email marketing drip campaigns can help you tell a story, introduce prospects to your business, promote cross-sells and upsells, boost engagement, and help convert leads into customers.

Add testimonials to your website.

Testimonials are essential on every webpage as this is often how new prospects will find your business. It is a good idea to offer a wide range of different types of testimonials (we cover this below) and sprinkle them throughout the pages of your website. If a testimonial is service-specific, include it on the service page. Consider adding a testimonial page on your website that features all your testimonials, making it easy for a prospect to find the information they want.

Add testimonials to your blog posts.

For mortgage businesses, blog posts are a great way to educate your potential clients, but they can also be a great way to highlight the services you offer and how your previous clients rate your service. Adding testimonials to your blog posts can help tell the story within the blog or highlight specific services you are covering within the blog.

Use testimonials on social media platforms.

Social media is a great way to engage with followers, making it the perfect place to share testimonials. Social media platforms are also a great place to ask your satisfied clients to leave testimonials regarding your services.

Create video testimonials

While written testimonials are a great addition to your marketing efforts, they can be vague and leave a lot to be desired. Adding video testimonials allows your clients to answer scripted questions that really provide information to potential clients. In addition, seeing a live person adds more of a personal touch.

Tips on how to request client testimonials

While some may volunteer a testimonial, you will have to ask for a testimonial in most cases. Here are some do’s and don’ts when requesting a testimonial.


  • Wait to ask until your client has provided positive feedback to you
  • Ask for reviews through email
  • Always get testimonials in writing to avoid any legal or privacy issues
  • Ask if they would be interested in creating a video testimonial – this can be as simple as a selfie video answering scripted questions you create
  • Provide examples of testimonials so your clients understand what you are looking for
  • Ask them to simply talk about their experiences or answer questions such as “what problems were solved with our services,” “what made our service stand out,” and “what made you happiest about working with our team?”
  • Ask them to post testimonials on your Google My Business account or other similar accounts


  • Do not ask too early – wait until you receive feedback from your client
  • Do not pester your client – if you do not receive a testimonial when asked

Testimonials Offer a Business Boost

While all your marketing efforts target lead generation, adding testimonials is a great way to boost these efforts and deliver a more personal appearance. With statistics showing how many potential clients put heavy stock into testimonials, it is essential that you add this beneficial tool to your arsenal.

The Team at Good Vibe Squad is all about helping businesses boost their lead generation, and we know the importance of testimonials. Contact us today to learn how to get the Unfair Advantage to boost your lead generation.

Testimonial Marketing: Using Client Testimonials for Lead Generation is courtesy of:

Original post here: Testimonial Marketing: Using Client Testimonials for Lead Generation

Adding Live Chat Box for Mortgage Websites

In today’s world, people are used to being able to access information and what they need at the touch of a button. When it comes to your mortgage website, potential clients want access to fast responses, quality customer service, and easy-to-use tools to obtain the information they need at any time of day or night. But how can you provide this? How can clients ask mortgage questions online and receive answers in real-time? The answer may be as simple as adding a live chat box to your website.

What is a live chat tool?

A live chat tool is a software medium that allows your clients to engage with your mortgage business in real-time via messaging. Customers visiting your website can ask questions and engage with your business at the touch of a button, day or night, helping to promote a personalized customer experience, quality brand interaction, and an edge over your competitors.

Live chat boxes can offer direct messaging directly to a customer support team through Facebook messaging or even SMS so your live agents can receive communication directly. With the advancement of bots and artificial intelligence, you do not even need to have live representatives available at all times. These bots can directly answer many of the customer's questions.

How does a live chat for a mortgage website help drive new business?

By offering immediate solutions to your customers, you can help to nurture and build positive customer relationships. The addition of live chatbots offers many different benefits for your business. Here we take a look at some of the top advantages.

Improve customer service

Attracting customers to your website is essential. However, if there is nothing to engage customers on your website, they will likely move on to your competition. The addition of a chatbox allows for instant engagement with your business and gives them the answers they need when they are looking for it.

Customer convenience

People aren’t constantly searching for information about mortgages during your traditional business hours. Whether they work during the day or simply decided midnight was the time to find information, being able to address their questions and concerns when they are looking for answers is essential, and a live chat provides just that.

In addition, many people cannot access the phone during your business hours as they themselves work. Offering a live chatbot enables them to have a constantly open line of communication with you even when a phone call is not an option.

Answer common questions

Even if you cannot offer a live conversation with a human, chatbots allow you to offer quick and simple answers to many of the common questions your mortgage customers are likely to ask.

Build a reputation for fast responses

When potential clients find your website, they look for answers to their questions. Before adding live chat boxes, clients looking for information after hours had to wait for the next day, or they moved on to a competitor’s website. With the addition of a chatbox, you can now engage with clients in real-time and provide the answers they are looking for. This helps your business build a reputation for fast responses and providing the information clients are looking for when they need it.

Adding a live chat with immediate responses allows potential clients looking for a mortgage to receive answers right away, meaning they are less likely to search out a competitor. Gone are the days when they need to wait for your office hours to receive a return call and answer their inquiries.

Helps mortgage professionals provide value

Adding a chatbot can add value to your mortgage business and customers. Using a chatbox can lower your operational costs and minimize human resources. For customers, you can offer improved customer service with the ability to be with them 24/7.

Things to look for when choosing a chatbox tool

With so many chatbox tools available on the market, how do you know what to look for when choosing the right platform for your mortgage business?

The following must-have features are essential to helping your chat box feature succeed:

  • Support for multiple conversation platforms, such as Facebook Messenger and SMS
    Artificial intelligence-enabled capabilities
  • The ability to convert from bot technology to a live person for more complicated issues
  • Complete integration with your CRM
  • Ability to embed forms into the chat, allowing you to provide loan application forms

Why live chat works

If you are still questioning whether your business can benefit from adding a chatbox, you are not alone. Statistics show that only 35% of businesses think their potential customers desire a live chat function. However, that number is far lower than the 69% of customers demanding live features and the 73% of customers that find live chat the most satisfactory form of communication.

To further show the benefits of adding live chats to your website, let’s look at a few more statistics:

  • Live chat is the #1 service choice for shoppers between 18-49 years old
  • Millennials are 20% more likely to use chat
  • 60% of people want a quick reaction from support to their inquiry
  • Customers who use live chat spend up to 60% more per purchase
  • Live chat improves conversion rates by 3.84%
  • Live chat reduces costs by 15-33% compared to the use of traditional phone support
  • By 2022, 85% of businesses are expected to offer live chat support

Adding a chatbox can boost your business.

In today’s technology-based environment, clients want instant access to the information and services that you offer. Adding a chat box to your website allows for this instant interaction and can give your business the edge over your competitors. The team at Good Vibe Squad knows the importance of creating an edge over your competitors to help you boost your business. Contact us today.

The following post Adding Live Chat Box for Mortgage Websites was first published to:

Original post here: Adding Live Chat Box for Mortgage Websites

Saturday, March 5, 2022

What Is a 1003 Mortgage Application?

Today, more and more borrowers are looking to begin their loan process completely online. So, if you do not have a digital 1003 mortgage application form accessible on your website, chances are you may be losing potential clients. As borrower demographics shift toward a younger profile, the demand for online interaction grows. But what is a 1003 application for a mortgage, and how can you put this form to use as a lead generation tool?

What is the 1003 mortgage application?

The 1003 mortgage application form, also known as the Uniform Residential Loan Application, is the standard form used by all mortgage lenders in the United States. Borrowers complete this form when applying to purchase or refinance a home with a conventional loan, Fannie Mae, FHA, USDA, or VA loan. For a Freddie Mac loan, they will use Form 65. Both forms are based on the Uniform Loan Application Dataset and require the same consumer information for all borrowers.

1003 loan application form

Created by the Federal National Mortgage Association, or Fannie Mae, the 1003 mortgage application form was first used in August of 2016. However, it has undergone numerous updates since then. It is important that you use the most current update when providing access to the form for your borrowers.

This form collects information from the borrower that includes:

  • Borrower and co-borrower information: This includes names, social security numbers, marital status, address, phone number, and date of birth.
  • Employment information: Employer names and addresses, years of employment, position, and employer phone number
  • Income and assets: Monthly income, rental income, child support, alimony, and additional income, as well as banking information, IRAs, 401(k)s, retirement accounts, and additional assets
  • Current expenses: This can include monthly rent or mortgages, insurance premiums, real estate taxes, credit card balances, car loan balances, and additional monthly expenses.
  • Loan information: type of desired loan, amount, and terms
  • Property information: address of the desired property, years built, intended property use, and purchase price

Using the 1003 mortgage application as a lead generation tool

In today’s technology-driven environment, chances are your lending business has a wide array of online marketing avenues, such as websites and social media profiles. When a borrower visits one of these marketing avenues, the goal is to capture their information to follow up on the potential lead. While basic contact forms are one option, they often slow down the mortgage process, requiring potential borrowers to wait to hear back from you and then resubmit information further down the road.

Instead of the standard contact form, you can benefit from integrating a short-form or full 1003 mortgage application directly into your site, allowing potential borrowers to fill out the information immediately. But what happens when they fill out the form?

Automating 1003 mortgage loan action with your CRM

When a potential borrower fills out the 1003 application online, the application software delivers it directly through integration with your CRM and immediately creates a new lead contact. This creation can trigger a notification to follow up with this new lead immediately.

Things to consider when adding a 1003 application form online

As we mentioned above, when adding this lead generation tool, you may choose to add a full 1003 loan application or a short-form application instead. While adding a complete 1003 form gathers all the necessary information you need, it can be long and cumbersome for someone simply looking to start a conversation and see if they are eligible for a mortgage loan. In addition, if you have a full 1003, you are required to deliver a loan estimate to every application, even if they are not a good fit for your business.

When considering which option to choose, the goal is to find a balance between the important information you need to qualify if the prospect is a good fit while not being too long for a prospect to fill out. In addition, the short form eliminates the need to provide a loan estimate to those borrowers that are not a good fit with your business.

Taking advantage of lead generation tools

Adding a 1003 loan application in a short form and integrating it with your current CRM is a great way to help boost your lead generation while also allowing you to qualify potential buyers and quickly boost your business.

If you are looking for other ways to boost your lead generation, Good Vibe Squad can help. Fastrack your marketing with our Unfair Advantages today and let us help take your lead generation to a new level.


What Is a 1003 Mortgage Application? was first published to:

Original post here: What Is a 1003 Mortgage Application?