Friday, February 25, 2022

Mass Email Marketing for Mortgage Business

The key to being a successful loan officer is communication. This includes everything from engagement with potential prospects, regularly connecting and educating borrowers throughout the loan process, and staying connected with previous clients to earn repeat business and potential referrals. As a busy loan officer, you don’t have the time to spend every day writing personalized emails to every contact, so how do you maintain that personal connection regularly? Mass email marketing that you can automate is the solution. With mass email marketing tools, you can create personalized emails for every occasion that can be sent automatically, leaving you time to focus on other aspects of your business.

What is mass email marketing?

Sending out personalized emails to contacts takes time and is often the same message you want to send to multiple ones. This is where mass email marketing can allow you to offer a personalized email to multiple clients at once. With mass email marketing, you can create a single email for a specific action or topic and send it out to a group of contacts at the touch of a button. However, when your contact receives this email, it will appear as if it was personalized and sent only to them.

What types of mass email marketing can you send?

Think about what type of emails you send on a regular basis. If these emails are going out to multiple contacts, then they may be a good candidate for mass email marketing. In fact, just about any email can be sent to your database through mass email marketing. Here are a few of the common email options used regularly with mass email marketing.

Industry news

Any time there is major news in the mortgage industry, such as changes to mortgage rates, your leads and borrowers will want to know what this means for them. Creating an industry news mass email will inform and educate your contacts and give them a way to contact you if they have any questions. Be sure to explain this industry news in terminology that the average reader (non-mortgage professional) can understand. Sending this type of email out to your contacts helps to educate them on the mortgage industry and show that you are thinking of them and their lending journey.

Marketing campaign emails

When you create a unique marketing campaign email, mass email marketing allows you to quickly send that email out to targeted areas of your contact database. For example, if you create a campaign focusing on mortgage refinance, you can automatically have it sent out to all your previous mortgage clients. In contrast, a campaign that covers credit repair and the journey to homeownership can be sent out to all the leads in your database.

Event invitations

Events are a great way to connect with customers and leads and help you nurture existing relationships. If you are planning a community event, such as a seminar on mortgage refinancing or credit repair, creating a mass email allows you to invite those contacts in your database that fit each category with one simple email. Don’t forget to include a way for them to RSVP and you are good to go.

Holiday emails

The holidays are a great time to acknowledge and thank your contacts for their business throughout the year and to wish them and their families well. Creating a short and sweet holiday message will deliver a personal touch and help nurture your relationship. Just remember, this is a holiday greeting and not a marketing campaign. This is not the time or the email to include a sales pitch, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t include your contact information.

Community news emails

Most loan officers work within a single community or neighboring communities. Creating community newsletter emails is a great way to inform your contacts about upcoming community events and community news. In addition, you can consider including community business profiles where you can showcase business partners, such as real estate agents.

Button with the word email on keyword

Tips for effective mass email marketing

When it comes to mass email marketing, there are a few things that you need to consider when creating an effective email. The following points are a great place to start.

Keep it short

When you send a mass email out to your database, you want to do everything you can to capture your reader’s attention as quickly and to the point as possible. When creating your email, you want to keep the word “short” in mind. While this does refer to the length of your email, it also encompasses other areas.

First, think about your words. There is no reason to use industry vocabulary, as it may be confusing to your reader. You want to use the simplest forms of words possible. It is recommended that you write emails at the reading level of a 3rd grader. In addition, keep your paragraphs short. Break up your ideas into smaller chunks and make it easier for the reader to focus on the writing and the ideas you are conveying.

Make it personal

When creating your emails, you must remember that these are designed to be personal conversations with your contacts. You want the email to sound as though you are speaking directly with your contact and not creating some formal correspondence. For many, it is difficult to write in the same manner they speak, and creating emails with a personal aspect can be difficult. To be successful at this, you must forget everything you learned in school about writing and simply create an email as if you were talking to the person.

If you struggle with writing but have no problem connecting with your clients in person, consider trying this. Pick an industry topic and write an email explaining the topic to a potential client. Now, record yourself explaining that same information to a colleague and see how different the two come across. You want your emails to come across as personal, so you want your writing to match your speech.

Include your branding

An email is the digital version of a letter, and you wouldn’t send a letter on a black piece of paper, would you? Chances are you would use your business letterhead. Emails are no different. You want to make sure that every email campaign you create includes your company information and branding.

Target the appropriate audience

Just because they are called mass emails, you don’t necessarily want to send every email out to everyone in your database. As we mentioned above, if you are focusing on mortgage refinance, it wouldn’t make a lot of sense to send the email out to those working on building their credit to buy their first home. Before you send out any emails, it is a good idea to segment your database based on specific categories, such as leads, previous clients, current clients, etc.

Always include a CTA

Once you have captured the readers’ attention with your content, you should finish every email with a call to action (CTA). This can be anything from asking them to call with any questions to asking them to send referrals. Your CTA should match or complement the content within your email.

Effective mass email marketing can really boost your business

The goal of mass email marketing is to engage your leads and clients regularly to help nurture relationships, which can in turn help generate referrals, increase customer loyalty, and boost revenue. If your business is looking to generate leads and increase your mass email database, the Good Vibe Squad offers a great way to attract and amplify your lead generation and boost business. Check out our Unfair Advantage System program today to learn more.

Mass Email Marketing for Mortgage Business was originally published to: Good Vibe Squad

Original post here: Mass Email Marketing for Mortgage Business

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