Friday, September 17, 2021

Types of Facebook Posts That Can Generate Mortgage Leads

Facebook is the most popular global social network used today. If you aren’t using Facebook posts to generate leads, you’re missing out on a phenomenal opportunity.

In the first quarter of 2021, Facebook was reported as the largest social media platform with almost 1.9 billion active daily users globally. Approximately 200 million of which are based in the US (

With access to an abundance of prospects, you need to know the best types of Facebook posts for businesses that will help you generate mortgage leads.

A significant amount of your time is used to create new business. The great news is that marketing has changed over the last several years with the emergence of social networks. Facebook’s social media platform provides loan officers with a simple way to generate leads.

Understand the Importance of Building Your Facebook Presence

If you don’t have a business page on Facebook or you’ve been neglecting it, now is a good time to get started. Sharing your business presence on the largest social media platform is an opportunity for you to maximize your brand visibility.

When you have a Facebook business page, you are sharing your brand on a marketing platform. You can create engaging Facebook posts that offer valuable content. You can add your contact information and your website address to redirect Facebook visitors.

When you create a Facebook page or group for lead generation, you need a social media marketing plan. If you need help analyzing your current growth plan and marketing efforts, check out our Fastrack strategy to get started.

Engaging Facebook Post Ideas to Generate Leads

The key to generating leads using different types of posts on Facebook is to engage your prospects. Make sure you’re providing value to your readers. The mortgage industry is full of changes, and since you’re the industry expert, you can share your knowledge.
For example, in 2020, the interest rates for mortgage loans hit an amazing low. One Facebook post idea that could have generated leads is:

"You won’t believe this, but mortgage loan rates are at a historical low- less than X% interest. The interest rate has been between XX%-XX% for years. Unbelievable! If you’ve been thinking about buying a home, don’t hesitate. Find out which loan you qualify for today. Don’t let your dream home slip away! Qualify now and lock in your rate!"

You’ve just informed your prospects of an industry update that is a benefit to them. Not only that, but you also provided a call to action so that they could get the pre-qualification process started. 

You can also share valuable tools and free downloads. Upgrade your content to videos to increase your visibility. Facebook is an interactive platform, don’t miss out. Be sure to ask your clients to share testimonials on your page and boost your social proof.

1. Create Facebook content to share industry updates.

Sharing your industry expertise in a blog or a post is an example of content marketing. If you already have a blog on your website, you can use the same content to create your Facebook posts.

Share enough to provide value but keep it short enough so that the reader gets the information in a snippet. If they want to know more, they can choose to engage you because your contact information is on your page.

Sharing industry updates will show your page visitors that you are a knowledgeable resource to keep on top of the industry.

2. Share useful resources and free downloads.

Go above and beyond for your prospects by offering them free gifts. Typically, we call these lead magnets. A popular tool you can offer is a mortgage payment calculator.

If you have a Facebook group, you can upload media files for your prospects to use. You can create informative literature in a downloadable PDF format. An example of a free file you can share is a loan pre-approval checklist.

3. Create engaging videos.

Facebook is participating competitively in the video content marketing field. Content creators are encouraged to create video content to increase visibility and user interest. Video content has a higher click rate than written content and is always encouraged as one of the best types of Facebook posts for businesses.

4. Get those client testimonials.

Using Facebook to generate leads doesn’t end when the sale closes. Social proof is an amazing asset for marketing your brand.

Don’t lose out on getting a testimonial from your client. Get your client on the phone and ask them if you can get a testimonial from them while they’re still excited from the wet ink of a closed deal. If they say yes, let them know you want to tag them on a Facebook post. Guide your testimonial with an outline and ask them to share:

  • How did I solve your problem?
  • What did you like best about working with me?
  • What were you able to achieve by working with me?

“I loved working with you because I was really confused about the process of getting a mortgage loan. You were patient with me and answered all my questions. You helped me get into my dream home when I thought the odds of approval were against me. Thank you for making this happen!”

Feel free to share samples of past testimonials with your client to give them examples of the best way to be helpful. This helps you avoid basic testimonials that don’t offer enough value to your prospect. An example of a poor testimony that doesn’t provide much value is:

“Thanks a lot for your help! It was awesome!”

Your page will look tempting for any prospect browsing for a mortgage loan when they see happy clients praising your hard work.

Facebook Marketing Tips for Loan Officers

Building your online presence on Facebook is the first step to generating leads on the most used social media platform. However, it’s important that you plan your strategy and implement it using best practices. Building brand visibility takes time, effort, and consistency.

Building your brand means remaining authentic in your expression. If you enjoy humor, have fun and post hilarious memes that your prospects will connect with. Don’t be salesy by pouring out offers and call to actions with every post. Facebook is more informal than LinkedIn. Enjoy yourself.

It’s important to have a page that produces engaging posts daily. A good rule of thumb is to schedule out one to two posts per day.

Consider these recommendations when growing your Facebook presence:

  • Make sure your Facebook page has strategic copywriting implemented into your “About” section.
  • Use a professional profile picture.
  • Use a professionally branded cover with copywriting implemented.
  • Add a brand story video.
  • Post fresh content one to two times a day.
  • Engage with people naturally as yourself (don’t push offers on every post).
  • Tag people.
  • Invite people to like your page.
  • Always respond to comments in a timely manner.
  • Boost your posts with targeted ads.

You can hire a social media manager to get started to help keep your page active and engaged. Once your page or group builds a following, you can easily deploy Facebook ads to target your ideal clients to your funnel. This is when implementing the Unfair Advantage™ system will help you significantly convert leads from Facebook.

You Will Generate Mortgage Leads with Facebook

You don’t have to be a social media influencer to gain a following on Facebook to generate leads. You just have to get started and stay consistent. Be strategic by developing a social media marketing strategy that engages your prospects. When using different types of Facebook posts for business purposes, you need to be creative to keep your prospects interested in your content.

Remember, when you provide value and authentic interactions, you build relationships and trust. That is always the key to generating leads that turn into clients.

Contact us if you want to know more about generating more mortgage leads from engaging Facebook posts using a mortgage industry-specific strategy.

Types of Facebook Posts That Can Generate Mortgage Leads was first published to:

Original post here: Types of Facebook Posts That Can Generate Mortgage Leads

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