Sunday, September 19, 2021

Benefits of Google Ads to Grow Your Mortgage Business

Advertising works. It works so well that even Google advertises. They also provide advertising services. Keep reading to learn the benefits of Google Ads to grow your mortgage business.

Sponsored advertising brings in millions of leads for businesses. Your mortgage business can benefit from using Google Ads as a part of your marketing strategy. One ad campaign can be paid for with just one customer deal. Imagine running a campaign that brings you a six, seven, or even eight-figure return.

Google is the most used search engine in the US, with an estimated unique monthly visitors at 1.6 billion ( That is 72.48% of the world's market reach. Google brings in the most traffic compared to any other search engine, both paid and organic traffic.

While organic traffic is possible when you implement search engine optimization (SEO) strategies, using Google Ads will narrow down your website visitors with a targeted reach that has been filtered to attract your ideal prospect.

Paid advertising vs. organic advertising

Paid advertising is a sponsored promotion of your brand. When you conduct a Google search, you will notice that the first search results that appear usually have an AD icon next to the hyperlink name. These website pages have priority over other search results because they are Google paid ads.

This is used to direct more visitors to your landing page or website. Increased traffic means increased opportunities for lead generation.

Organic advertising is any type of advertising effort that does not require payment. One organic advertising strategy used today is SEO. When you have a website that produces consistent marketing content and strong SEO, your website will develop Google’s trust over time, giving Google a signal that your website has valuable content or resources that will benefit the user.

If you type in something as simple as “how to get a mortgage loan,” you will notice that the top options are ads. The first result that is not an ad is a website that uses content marketing strategies with excellent SEO that is valuable and has, over time, developed enough authority and credibility to be in the top five search results on Google.

Content marketing websites create blogs with high-value keyword search phrases to drive traffic to offer products, services, or ads. Some websites offer one or all simultaneously.

Paid advertising yields results

Not all websites are set up to be SEO, content marketing traffic machines. You can have a website like that and wait months to build organic traffic or take advantage of paid advertising. Google Ads works well for driving targeted traffic to your website immediately.

If you have a landing page with great copywriting and a call-to-action, Google Ads can help you get more mortgage leads for your business. Paid advertising is an important resource to consider because it works to bring brand awareness. Awareness is the first part of any sales stage.

Organic traffic takes time to create brand awareness, while paid advertising creates immediate results.

Targeted leads using Google Ads

How Google Ads works

Google Ads used to be known as Google AdWords. You can target your ads by using specific keywords like “get a mortgage” or “get a mortgage loan.” This allows your ad to align with search queries.

The great news is that you get to control the costs of your campaign. You create the budget, and Google will advise you of an estimated reach based on your budget.

When using Google Ads, you want to make sure it is targeted to reach your ideal prospect. You will be able to add:

  • Location
  • Demographics; age, location, language
  • Timeframe: choose when the ad runs
  • Devices: You can have your ad appear on any digital medium.

Google Ads will help you measure the success of your campaign with their analytics by allowing you to monitor prospect behaviors. You can adjust your ads as needed. You can manage your campaigns at your desk or on the go through the phone app.

When you create a Google Ad, your ads will show in front of your target prospect. When a prospect enters a keyword search relevant to your ad, you will appear in a prominent spot on their search results.

The great news is that you only pay when a prospect clicks on your ad. This means you get paid for interested prospects instead of random parties. This is why you need to make sure your ad is made to target the right people.

Why is Google Ads useful for your business?

When considering all the benefits of paid advertising, I can’t imagine not paying for it as long as you have a powerful marketing funnel system in place to manage your new influx of leads generated by Google Ads. The Unfair Advantage helps loan officers create disruptive ads to target their ideal clients and bring them into the right marketing funnels to filter out ones who won’t qualify.

1. Build brand awareness

When you have the right business systems in place, Google Ads will help you build your brand awareness by bringing you people who are already searching for your business.

2. Increases leads and customers

When your paid ad brings leads to your landing page, you can just relax and let your automated pre-qualification system take your prospect through a guided experience. If you haven’t already automated your sales process, let's get on a Fastrack call so that you can see how our Triple A Formula can attract qualified leads. We can help you automate the sales process so that your Google Ad can start the first step to bringing prospects into your funnel.

3. Wide reach

Google is just about everywhere these days. You have:

  • Google Internet
  • Google Mobile
  • Google App Store
  • Gmail
  • YouTube

This means you have a wide reach. Google already has a massive customer base. If you want to increase brand visibility, you can create a video ad. Google can populate your ad in a display network campaign in other Google products like YouTube, Gmail, Google Store, and more. The benefit of using display advertising with Google to build brand awareness is increased visibility. Video content marketing is the hot new brand awareness strategy.

Google’s reach is almost unlimited, and you can take a piece of the pie.

Invest in your business to see actual results

When you have a list of all the benefits of Google Ads, there really isn’t a reason not to invest in your business to increase your lead generation results. Investing in your business means being confident enough to know that you are serious about creating unlimited financial growth.

If you feel hesitant and need more guidance for defining the best marketing strategy for your business, don’t hesitate to contact us.

The following article Benefits of Google Ads to Grow Your Mortgage Business was originally seen on:

Original post here: Benefits of Google Ads to Grow Your Mortgage Business

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