Sunday, June 20, 2021

5 Best Mortgage CRMs for Loan Officers

One of the best ways loan officers can help ensure the success of their businesses is by using mortgage CRM software. Fortunately, there are many different mortgage-based CRMs on the market today, but not all of them are made equal.

Each has certain advantages and benefits that can significantly impact the success of your business. First, however, you need to understand the differences between programs to ensure you’re choosing not just the best mortgage CRM but the best one to fit your specific needs.

Let’s look at some data to consider before choosing a mortgage CRM before investigating five top mortgage CRMs on the market today.

Factors to consider

There are many factors to consider when choosing the right mortgage CRM for you. You need to take the time to carefully research your company’s specific needs and find the software that will best meet those needs. To help determine which factors are most pertinent to your work, let’s look at a few specific examples.

    • Integration: Mortgage CRM integration should be a relatively easy, pain-free process. The systems are usually straightforward to understand. If you find that it’s going to take you unthinkable amounts of time to integrate your existing mortgage loan systems, information, and databases with new mortgage CRM software, consider an alternative provider whose system might better match your existing programs.
    • Pricing: Making sure your mortgage CRM software stays within a budget is a key factor in determining which system you end up with. You may be tempted to push your budget to get the best possible system out there, but consider where your company is now. If a cheaper option will work efficiently for you over the next three to five years, carefully consider it before you jump on board with a flashier system that may not work for you now.
    • Ability to scale: As with most things, you want your mortgage CRM system to be able to grow with your business. You may find a perfect program for where your company is now, but how will that same CRM function a year from now? Or five? Will it be able to expand with your company, or will it need to be replaced?
    • Easy implementation: As you’re choosing the right CRM for you, make sure you investigate the ease with which they can be implemented. You don’t want to choose a CRM because it looks great, only to find that working with the system in day-to-day business is too complicated or challenging to keep up with.

    Top CRM software for loan officers

    There are many mortgage CRM software systems on the market today. This can make it difficult to narrow down your choices to the best one for you. To help with that process a little, here are the descriptions, features, and disadvantages of five top CRM software systems on the market today:

    1. Velocify

    Velocify is one of the top CRM software systems in the world. It has many wonderful features and a large, satisfied client base of over 1,500 companies. Velocify combines a mix of digital marketing, sales, customer service, and top-quality integrated communication services. This is to ensure that their system is the best one to help businesses generate leads, turn them into clients, and speed up the sales process while maintaining customer satisfaction.


    • Cohesive sales and marketing dashboard
    • Pipeline management
    • Data analytics
    • Automated email and text message marketing
    • Callback calendar reminders
    • Integrated mortgage coaches
    • Referral management
    • Personalized loan scenario presentations
    • Intelligent sales workflow


    Pricing is difficult to determine, making this service riskier for smaller businesses.

    2. BNTouch Mortgage CRM

    BNTouch Mortgage CRM provides users with a fully integrated, digital system that features marketing, analytical, and POS tools. Each of these works in unison with the others to ensure that your business is thriving and growing on the market, outstripping competitors with its many unique features.


    • Price packages for every budget
    • SMS marketing automation
    • Lead distribution management
    • Email marketing
    • Proprietary mortgage tools
    • Digital applications
    • Pre-built marketing content
    • Automated and curated social media content
    • Integration with LOS, Outlook, Zapier, and Others


    • Poor customer service
    • Confusing email system
    • Steep learning curve

    3. Jungo

    Jungo is another CRM system that specializes in servicing mortgage, lending, and other finance-based companies. It has a cloud-based CRM built on the foundation of Salesforce CRM to provide valuable customization processes that other CRMs do not have.


    • Customizable
    • In-built templates for flyers, documents, etc.
    • Loan document management
    • Video email capabilities
    • Lead capturing
    • Loan referral tracking
    • Document collection sending
    • Automated concierge packages
    • Loan transaction tracking
    • Data analytics
    • Integration with Act-On, Optimal Blue, and Mortgage Coach


    • High customizability results in a steep learning curve
    • Software systems not easy to navigate
    • Calculations and conversions hard to input without support assistance

    4. Mortgage iQ

    Mortgage iQ provides many necessary CRM services for mortgage and lending companies. It is specifically designed with mortgage companies in mind, so it is powerfully equipped in that field where other CRMs with more board service provisions may not be. Mortgage iQ provides users with many helpful tools and strategies to encourage long-term success in your business.


    • Lead management
    • Marketing services for email, drip campaigns, and more
    • Correspondent and consumer direct lenders
    • iCloud compatible
    • Integrations with Facebook, Five9, Wufoo, and Contact Center Compliance
    • Templates and template editor


    • Very small online presence with review sites indicating lesser authority and trustworthiness than some competitors.
    • Limited loan and data tracking
    • Limited analytics

    5. Surefire

    Surefire CRM is yet another CRM provider geared toward assisting mortgage loan officers in their daily work. It features many “set and forget” elements in its coding that allow for less human interaction with the system than some CRMs have. This can save officers quite a bit of time and money that they can then use to build better relationships with existing clients and garner new ones with CRM-developed leads.


    • Easy-to-use workflows
    • Customizable
    • Follow-ups with lead generations
    • Geographical and other demographic-specific generation techniques
    • High-quality customer service
    • Easy integration
    • Future development roadmaps
    • Room to scale
    • Automation for most features
    • Multi-step campaigns


    • Lacking quality self-reporting features
    • Limited customization
    • Steep learning curve due to excess features

    Benefits of mortgage CRM

    There are many benefits to using a mortgage CRM. Let’s take a quick look at a few of the top reasons you should invest in one today:

    • Organization: You can organize your information much more cohesively. 
    • Automation: Many time-consuming daily tasks can be automated by the system, saving you time and money.
    • Customer service: Customer service improves when you’re on top of emails and the information you have. CRMs organize and maintain all of that for you while also offering automated customer service options.
    • Analytics and reporting: While CRMs are great at keeping track of vast amounts of information, they are also capable of taking that information, analyzing it, and producing valuable new reports that can boost lead generation and expand the business.

    Why do you need a mortgage CRM?

    Mortgage CRMs are one of the easiest ways to simplify your workload, manage marketing and client relations, and streamline in-house communication between various clients and projects. However, there are many great CRM providers on the market today, so it can be challenging to choose the right one unless you know what you’re looking for.

    If you find yourself in need of some extra help with mortgage CRMs, Good Vibe Squad is happy to help out--so, contact us today!

5 Best Mortgage CRMs for Loan Officers is republished from:

Original post here: 5 Best Mortgage CRMs for Loan Officers

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