Sunday, June 20, 2021

5 Best Mortgage CRMs for Loan Officers

One of the best ways loan officers can help ensure the success of their businesses is by using mortgage CRM software. Fortunately, there are many different mortgage-based CRMs on the market today, but not all of them are made equal.

Each has certain advantages and benefits that can significantly impact the success of your business. First, however, you need to understand the differences between programs to ensure you’re choosing not just the best mortgage CRM but the best one to fit your specific needs.

Let’s look at some data to consider before choosing a mortgage CRM before investigating five top mortgage CRMs on the market today.

Factors to consider

There are many factors to consider when choosing the right mortgage CRM for you. You need to take the time to carefully research your company’s specific needs and find the software that will best meet those needs. To help determine which factors are most pertinent to your work, let’s look at a few specific examples.

    • Integration: Mortgage CRM integration should be a relatively easy, pain-free process. The systems are usually straightforward to understand. If you find that it’s going to take you unthinkable amounts of time to integrate your existing mortgage loan systems, information, and databases with new mortgage CRM software, consider an alternative provider whose system might better match your existing programs.
    • Pricing: Making sure your mortgage CRM software stays within a budget is a key factor in determining which system you end up with. You may be tempted to push your budget to get the best possible system out there, but consider where your company is now. If a cheaper option will work efficiently for you over the next three to five years, carefully consider it before you jump on board with a flashier system that may not work for you now.
    • Ability to scale: As with most things, you want your mortgage CRM system to be able to grow with your business. You may find a perfect program for where your company is now, but how will that same CRM function a year from now? Or five? Will it be able to expand with your company, or will it need to be replaced?
    • Easy implementation: As you’re choosing the right CRM for you, make sure you investigate the ease with which they can be implemented. You don’t want to choose a CRM because it looks great, only to find that working with the system in day-to-day business is too complicated or challenging to keep up with.

    Top CRM software for loan officers

    There are many mortgage CRM software systems on the market today. This can make it difficult to narrow down your choices to the best one for you. To help with that process a little, here are the descriptions, features, and disadvantages of five top CRM software systems on the market today:

    1. Velocify

    Velocify is one of the top CRM software systems in the world. It has many wonderful features and a large, satisfied client base of over 1,500 companies. Velocify combines a mix of digital marketing, sales, customer service, and top-quality integrated communication services. This is to ensure that their system is the best one to help businesses generate leads, turn them into clients, and speed up the sales process while maintaining customer satisfaction.


    • Cohesive sales and marketing dashboard
    • Pipeline management
    • Data analytics
    • Automated email and text message marketing
    • Callback calendar reminders
    • Integrated mortgage coaches
    • Referral management
    • Personalized loan scenario presentations
    • Intelligent sales workflow


    Pricing is difficult to determine, making this service riskier for smaller businesses.

    2. BNTouch Mortgage CRM

    BNTouch Mortgage CRM provides users with a fully integrated, digital system that features marketing, analytical, and POS tools. Each of these works in unison with the others to ensure that your business is thriving and growing on the market, outstripping competitors with its many unique features.


    • Price packages for every budget
    • SMS marketing automation
    • Lead distribution management
    • Email marketing
    • Proprietary mortgage tools
    • Digital applications
    • Pre-built marketing content
    • Automated and curated social media content
    • Integration with LOS, Outlook, Zapier, and Others


    • Poor customer service
    • Confusing email system
    • Steep learning curve

    3. Jungo

    Jungo is another CRM system that specializes in servicing mortgage, lending, and other finance-based companies. It has a cloud-based CRM built on the foundation of Salesforce CRM to provide valuable customization processes that other CRMs do not have.


    • Customizable
    • In-built templates for flyers, documents, etc.
    • Loan document management
    • Video email capabilities
    • Lead capturing
    • Loan referral tracking
    • Document collection sending
    • Automated concierge packages
    • Loan transaction tracking
    • Data analytics
    • Integration with Act-On, Optimal Blue, and Mortgage Coach


    • High customizability results in a steep learning curve
    • Software systems not easy to navigate
    • Calculations and conversions hard to input without support assistance

    4. Mortgage iQ

    Mortgage iQ provides many necessary CRM services for mortgage and lending companies. It is specifically designed with mortgage companies in mind, so it is powerfully equipped in that field where other CRMs with more board service provisions may not be. Mortgage iQ provides users with many helpful tools and strategies to encourage long-term success in your business.


    • Lead management
    • Marketing services for email, drip campaigns, and more
    • Correspondent and consumer direct lenders
    • iCloud compatible
    • Integrations with Facebook, Five9, Wufoo, and Contact Center Compliance
    • Templates and template editor


    • Very small online presence with review sites indicating lesser authority and trustworthiness than some competitors.
    • Limited loan and data tracking
    • Limited analytics

    5. Surefire

    Surefire CRM is yet another CRM provider geared toward assisting mortgage loan officers in their daily work. It features many “set and forget” elements in its coding that allow for less human interaction with the system than some CRMs have. This can save officers quite a bit of time and money that they can then use to build better relationships with existing clients and garner new ones with CRM-developed leads.


    • Easy-to-use workflows
    • Customizable
    • Follow-ups with lead generations
    • Geographical and other demographic-specific generation techniques
    • High-quality customer service
    • Easy integration
    • Future development roadmaps
    • Room to scale
    • Automation for most features
    • Multi-step campaigns


    • Lacking quality self-reporting features
    • Limited customization
    • Steep learning curve due to excess features

    Benefits of mortgage CRM

    There are many benefits to using a mortgage CRM. Let’s take a quick look at a few of the top reasons you should invest in one today:

    • Organization: You can organize your information much more cohesively. 
    • Automation: Many time-consuming daily tasks can be automated by the system, saving you time and money.
    • Customer service: Customer service improves when you’re on top of emails and the information you have. CRMs organize and maintain all of that for you while also offering automated customer service options.
    • Analytics and reporting: While CRMs are great at keeping track of vast amounts of information, they are also capable of taking that information, analyzing it, and producing valuable new reports that can boost lead generation and expand the business.

    Why do you need a mortgage CRM?

    Mortgage CRMs are one of the easiest ways to simplify your workload, manage marketing and client relations, and streamline in-house communication between various clients and projects. However, there are many great CRM providers on the market today, so it can be challenging to choose the right one unless you know what you’re looking for.

    If you find yourself in need of some extra help with mortgage CRMs, Good Vibe Squad is happy to help out--so, contact us today!

5 Best Mortgage CRMs for Loan Officers is republished from:

Original post here: 5 Best Mortgage CRMs for Loan Officers

Why Do You Need Mortgage CRM Software in Your Business?

Mortgage CRMs are a tool that can make or break a company’s success. They have many great advantages - from their pipeline management services to their marketing services, compliance regulation, and the tackling of tedious tasks that prove to be all too time-consuming for loan officers.

What is a mortgage CRM?

Mortgage CRM, or Mortgage Customer Relationship Management, is a software specifically designed to provide applications and assistance to mortgage professionals to help them maintain their front-end operations. Among the many features of mortgage CRM include streamlined relationship and contact management, referral management, marketing automation functionality, and data organization features

Mortgage CRM vs. Loan Origination Software (LOS)

Even though mortgage CRM is a relatively straightforward system, people often confuse it with LOS, or Loan Origination Software.
LOS systems help manage the mortgage lending process by automating certain key systems and addressing challenges that may arise. Typically, it will cover loan applications, underwriting, approval, documentation, pricing, funding, and administration throughout the mortgage loan process.

Mortgage CRM, on the other hand, is more commonly used before LOS comes into play. Lenders use this when converting leads into prospective clients, then applicants, then official clients, repeat customers, and, finally, referral partners.

What are the features of a mortgage CRM?

Mortgage CRMs have many exciting features that can help you turn your leads into clients in no time. Among these include managing contacts, marketing automation, pipeline and referral management, regulation compliance, alerts for events, tracking services, and a whole host of additional features.

1. Managing of contacts

Mortgage CRMs help lenders manage their clients in a number of ways. Most notably, they track and maintain client records across a database designed to an orderly log of all leads, clients, and referral interactions.

2. Marketing automation

Mortgage CRMs are especially valuable when it comes to marketing. They can take the contact information they store and use it to automate email and mobile marketing strategies. It means that they can schedule and send emails, social network posts, or other online marketing types without the need for too much hands-on human interaction.

3. Pipeline management

The pipeline management service mortgage CRMs provide relates specifically to the processes related to the overseeing and directing of sales. These can be current or future sales, including all completed sales, deals, and opportunity pipelines.

4. Referral management

Referral management in mortgage CRMs generally references the steps by which referrals are pushed through various transitional periods in the mortgage loan process. Typically, this begins when a current client makes a referral, but steps are also taken as referrals are contacted, generated into potential clients, and processed through various transitionary steps on their way to becoming borrowers.

5. Regulation Compliance

Regulation compliance is a necessary aspect of a mortgage CRM’s service. With it, you can keep up-to-date with any new rules or regulations relating to your field. This is an automated process programmed to prevent any potential rule-breaking. They are input into modules to ensure that brokers, officers, and even clients maintain compliance with the Federal Housing Administration (FHA).

6. Alert for mortgage or loan events

Another great feature of mortgage CRMs is that - while it maintains directories, programs rule-abiding software, and manages all kinds of mortgage-related systems - it can also help officers stay on top of any events. It can include many different kinds of events but is primarily related directly to mortgages and loans. These can range from big network meetings to small, one-on-one client meetings, or even referral calls. With this, no client or event is ever missed.

7. Tracking and analyzing all aspects

Mortgage CRMs can track and analyze pretty much all aspects of the mortgage loan process. From maintaining updated records to keeping on top of marketing strategies and regulations, the system is highly capable of tracking information vital to the business’ success. But more than that, it can also analyze the information gathered to provide accurate, useful results to officers that can help them strategize better when advancing their company.

Other features of a mortgage CRM are:

  • Lead Management
  • Real-Time LOS Integration
  • Extensive Libraries of Campaigns, Emails, and More
  • Interactive Mortgage Tools
  • Loan Milestone Notifications
  • Pre-Written Templates
  • Data Analytics
  • Call Prompts
  • Team-Based, Two-Way Texting
  • iOS and Andriod Compatible Mobile Apps

Benefits of Mortgage CRM

There are many benefits to getting a mortgage CRM. Let’s look at a few of the top advantages:

  • It’s time-saving: Thanks to all of the tasks that mortgage CRMs can automate. You will be able to save a ton of time you would have spent on paperwork, emails, and others.
  • It boosts communication: Communication is an invaluable tool, and CRM software can help you promote communication in ways you would have never imagined before. It keeps track of all clients, referrals, leads, and even loan officers so that all contact information is in an easily accessible place. Further, it can take the information it has and uses its pipeline management systems to help move projects along with little human interference.
  • Promotes lead generation: Mortgage CRMs are helpful in many ways with their automated services, endless databases, and tools for mortgage officers. But one of the side-effects of excellent CRM software is that it leaves loan officers with more time and resources to pursue and generate leads for their business.

Should you get mortgage CRM software?

Mortgage CRM software has many remarkable advantages that can go a long way toward helping a business thrive and expand. It works had to save loan officers time, money, and undue stress on the job by simplifying tedious tasks, streamlining communication, and even promoting the mortgage lending company through email and mobile marketing strategies. 

Every mortgage lending company has to decide whether or not mortgage CRM software is right for them.

For automated mortgage marketing, check out Good Vibe Squad’s Unfair Advantage and book your FREE strategy call to get your customized action plan for more leads and deals.

Why Do You Need Mortgage CRM Software in Your Business? was originally seen on:

Original post here: Why Do You Need Mortgage CRM Software in Your Business?

Friday, June 18, 2021

Mortgage Lead Generation for Your Business

The only way any company can grow is by accruing leads, including mortgage lending companies. Lead generation is, quite possibly, the most important thing any business does, so it’s vital that companies develop strong lead generation strategies. However, most struggle with lead generation.

Usually, when people think about lead generation, they become overwhelmed with the idea of traditional marketing strategies like cold calling, direct mail, or newspaper ads. These methods can be incredibly time-consuming and exhausting to think about. Fortunately, you don’t have to resort to these today because stronger, easier methods have been created.

Let’s look more closely at mortgage leads and explore a few simple lead generation strategies you can use to expand your business.

What is a mortgage lead?

You’ve probably seen mortgage leads mentioned all over the place if you’ve done your marketing research for mortgage loan officers, but what is it exactly?

To break it down, mortgage leads are leads that are specifically garnered for those working in the mortgage industry, like mortgage loan officers. “Lead” is the term for any person, group of people, or organization that shows interest in the products or services you offer. Once they become interested in a product or service, leads generally want to seek more information about the product.

For mortgage leads, once they become interested in mortgages, they are much more likely to seek out your business for further information and to become borrowers themselves.

How do you generate mortgage leads?

Generating mortgage leads is one of the most important things a mortgage loan officer can do. After all, without leads, you can’t grow your business or gain new clients. Let’s look at a few ways you can generate these leads online for your company.

1. Organic vs. Paid Search

leads. These results are ranked in either organic searches - or searches gathered from unpaid rankings - or paid searches, where rankings are organized by how much a person or business paid for them.

With organic search traffic, leads can find your business among the related search engine results. With paid search traffic, leads find your business when they click on advertisements or sponsored listings that your company has paid for. Generally, you can get faster results with paid searches. However, organic searches are more efficient and cost-effective in the long run.

2. Referrals

Getting referrals is another good way to generate leads. Typically, the individuals you solicit referrals from are already happy with the services and products you have provided. These people can give good recommendations to their friends and family on behalf of your business. These referrals can be strong leads are likely to work with you well.

When asking for a referral, make sure you are straightforward and personal but not pushy. Refer to work you and your client accomplished together to remind them of how strong your working relationship was and highlight specific instances. Additionally, even if you ask for a referral in person, try to send an email reminding your clients of your request.

3. Content marketing

With content marketing, you have a whole world of options - from text-based messages to audio clips or videos and images. Companies typically use these on blogs or social media pages to promote their company to a large audience because of how helpful it is in generating leads.

It’s very important to create current content for your target audience because it shows them that you are active in your own community and that you’re staying on top of any new trends in your field when others may not be.

Keep in mind that you need to do appropriate amounts of market research, be aware of the common objections, and know your audience demographics and educational background. If you don’t know who you’re creating for, you can’t make successful, lead-generating content.

4. Email marketing

One of the most cost-effective, easy-to-use marketing tools is email marketing. After all, it costs nothing to send an email, and there are few processes simpler than sending one.

Additionally, of more than 3.9 billion active email users, at least 44% will remember the brand that emailed them, even if they don’t open them. Unfortunately, while email is more cost- and time-efficient, about only 20-30% of them will actually open the message in the first place. This is at odds with the 90% of people who open direct mail, and 75% will remember the brand that mailed them.

5. Google My Business

It can be a great advantage to have a Google My Business (GMB) account. It allows you to track and control how your business appears in Google searches and what specific content people will see when looking up your company. GMB can also show reviews your business has, which is a great way to promote your reputation and show leads that you are a trustworthy business.

Further, you can list your business and GMB account online or in local business directories to broaden your lead pool.

Can you buy mortgage leads?

When mortgage loan businesses look into generating leads, they may often consider whether or not buying leads is an option. The good news for these people is that you can buy mortgage leads. Unfortunately, this isn’t a cost-effective venture. Buying a single mortgage lead can cost anywhere from $20 to $100 per lead, and this doesn’t include any of the cost accrued during the time you spend converting the lead into a borrower.

Key takeaways

Mortgage lead generation is a vital aspect of any mortgage business’s success. Without proper lead generation and techniques, a business may well fail from lack of clients. Investing time and a bit of money in solidly constructed email and content marketing programs, organic and paid research, referrals, and whatever else is an excellent way to ensure that your company will thrive for years to come. 

Book a free strategy call with Good Vibe Squad to learn how our mortgage marketing system can help you create a steady flow of leads and deals.

Mortgage Lead Generation for Your Business was originally published to:

Original post here: Mortgage Lead Generation for Your Business

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Facebook Mortgage Ads for Generating Leads

Like many things, marketing has drastically changed over the past several years. One of the most significant recent changes has been how popular social media has become and how strong a platform for hosting ads.
As of May 2021, Facebook reported that they have more than 2.85 billion active monthly users. This number is expected to grow in the coming years, so investing in ads on sites like this is becoming crucial to a business’s success.
Let’s look at how mortgage lenders can use Facebook’s ad services to generate leads and grow their businesses.

How do Facebook ads work?

Like many other kinds of advertising, Facebook ads work by targeting people who are statistically likely to appreciate the product or service being advertised. Facebook will consider a person’s location, age, profile data, and other demographic information to determine the best possible audience for the ad.

Facebook ads are composed of a few different components, including the ad type, targeting, placement options--like newsfeeds or Messenger, the bid and budget, and the schedule for when and how long your ad will run. Ad types will be further explained in the next section, but let’s first explore more about Facebook’s targeting process and why it’s so invaluable.


The biggest reason why Facebook ads are so effective is because they use specific targeting to ensure that the right people--those who would actually be interested in the product or service offered--are the ones seeing the ad. Facebook ensures this by filtering its users by location, age, relationship status, income status where available, interests, and many more factors.

Bid types

On Facebook, a bid represents the amount of money that a company or business is willing to pay to have customers both see your ad and do whatever action the ad prompts them to. There are a few different ways you can bid on Facebook ads, including CPC and CPM bidding.

CPC bidding, or Cost Per Click bidding, only charges the company when individuals click on the advertisement listed. It is a bidding strategy that is usually highly recommended when advertising through social networking sites. It drives traffic to your business without charging you for ads seen but never explored by others.

CPM bidding, or Cost Per Impressions bidding, charges companies per every one thousand views their ad gets, no matter whether the ad is clicked on or not. This bid type is less popular because it can be harder to see lead generation.

Types of ads

There are many different ad types that Facebook uses to ensure a wide viewership is reached. Among these types are photo ads, video ads, and traditional text ads.

  • Photo ads usually blend right in with normal Facebook posts, as they follow the same format. People may be more likely to read through them in this format because their eyes will naturally flow from one post to the ad, not noticing any change until they are already invested in the material.
  • Video ads can come in many different places. They, like photo ads, can be found in someone’s regular feed, but they can also be seen as a break in the middle of another video a viewer is watching or even listed as a Facebook Story.
  • Text ads are basically regular posts without a photo or video with them. Typically, these can receive less attention, as they usually don’t have much that grabs the casual scroller’s attention.

Mortgage ads on Facebook

Mortgage ads are like any other ad listed on Facebook. They generate leads and encourage customer interaction, but there are still a few key differences to note when creating one such ad.

Advertising strategy

Unlike other customers online, those who are going to be interested in mortgage loans are going to have a much higher emotional investment in the process. This is because they’re not just looking to buy a new pair of shoes or tickets to a concert. Instead, they’re purchasing their first home, their family’s dream home, the place where they’ll spend most of their time and holidays. Therefore, mortgage industry advertisements need to have a big impact on customers.

Moreover, mortgage ads fall under the Special Ads category of Facebook. Unfortunately, creating ads is more challenging because you are given limited options, including age, gender, location, and certain demographics.

Use retargeting

Retargeting is a strategy that considers a customer’s browsing history on the company website to determine which future ads to send their way. For example, if John saw advertisements for a mortgage loan website and visited it to compare rates, the site may gather information on which loans he was interested in and send him ads about various interest rates or other features they offer.

Provide valuable content on the landing page

The landing page is the first page anyone will see when they visit your site, so you need to make it as helpful and informative as possible. To do this, try to focus attention on the most pertinent information people need when considering your mortgage loan company. It can include testimonials, rates, special services, and more.

3 reasons to use FB ads to generate mortgage leads

There are many reasons why generating mortgage leads through Facebook ads is useful. Facebook ads provide better leads than Google ads, leads are less likely to abandon queries, and you can use multiple marketing efforts to get more leads.

1. They have better leads than Google ads.

Facebook generates a better lead pool than Google does for its advertisements. This is because Facebook bases its target audience on audience interest, whereas Google uses keywords to target individuals looking for a product. This means that while Facebook ads can gain you a larger audience, Google ads will only reach those who are already confident about a product or service.

2. Leads are less likely to abandon queries.

With Facebook ads, leads are much less likely to abandon a query than those from other marketing strategies. This is because Facebook audiences are already interested in the product or service offered. They want to know more, so Facebook shows them your ad to encourage lead generation and development.

3. Multiple marketing efforts are encouraged.

Facebook doesn’t limit you to one type of advertising or marketing. Instead, it encourages growth through additional strategies like email marketing. This can double the amount of attention you get per advertisement.

Key takeaways

Facebook ads haven’t been around as long as other, more traditional advertising methods, but they have a much higher click and view rate than most marketing strategies available today. It uses their clever targeting system to ensure that you receive the best audience for your product and encourage you to use many different mediums in the process.
To learn more about Facebook advertising or hire a professional to help you run the best possible campaign for your time and money, contact Good Vibe Squad today.

Facebook Mortgage Ads for Generating Leads is courtesy of:

Original post here: Facebook Mortgage Ads for Generating Leads

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Effective Marketing Ideas for Loan Officers

As a loan officer, you have a lot going on in your day-to-day, and marketing your services may be an aspect of your business that gets overlooked. But you have to market your business to grow it.
Sometimes this can result in poor, half-efforted strategies as a last-minute addition to a loan officer’s duties. If it does, you will gain very few new leads and may hurt your existing mortgage business.

To avoid this, you need to invest a bit of time and research into finding the best marketing strategies for your company and implement them. Let’s take a minute to study marketing ideas for loan officers and how to implement some key strategies.

Why is online marketing important for loan officers?

There are several reasons why it’s so important for loan officers to market their services online today. Perhaps the most important is that the internet is one of the easiest, most accessible places to find potential clients. With traditional marketing strategies, companies usually need to advertise by city or region with radio ads, billboards, or other ad forms.

But online, you can reach hundreds of thousands more because the internet is everywhere. The best way you can take advantage of this is by doing the proper research and recommendations.


The internet is incredibly useful for doing research, and your potential client pool knows that. They use online resources to research the best lending companies and officers, where to find the most affordable loans, and which loans will work best for their finances and timeline. So, if you have a strong online presence, you are more likely to pop up in searches.


While people use the internet to research the best companies, they will also use it to look up recommendations on the best loan offices as well. If your company has a lot of positive reviews, potential clients will find your business more trustworthy, and they’ll be more likely to solicit your services.
Loan officer planning a marketing strategy.

7 marketing tactics to attract more business

There are many marketing tactics that you can use to attract more attention to your company. Here are the top seven you should implement now:

1. Find your niche

Before you can sell your product or services, you need to make sure you know yourself and your business well enough to market it correctly. To do so, you must find your niche. Finding your niche, or the specific segment of your service’s market, can take a little bit of time, but it’s worth it.
If you’re advertising mortgage loans in the same group as student loans, for example, you are very unlikely to find any clients. You need to focus your attention on the niches of the internet where other mortgage loan companies are concentrated and where you’ll find the best clients.
To do this, consider asking yourself the following questions:

  • What clients do you want to work with?
  • Is your company good at helping first-time buyers or experienced investors?
  • Is there a particular geographic location you are more concentrated in?
  • Do you specialize in FHA or reverse mortgages?
  • What about VA/FHA and refinancing?

2. Referrals

Referrals are a great place to start when garnering a stronger presence. These are already warm leads because the individuals you are asking referrals from have already worked with you. They already have a good impression of your company from the excellent services you provided them and from the relationship you’ve established with them.

Here are a few tips on how to ask existing clients for referrals:

  • When in doubt, be direct. After the conclusion of a successful loan with a client, you can send them an email thanking them for their business and requesting a referral. If you ask in person, they may forget. An email provides a written reminder.
  • Be personal. Make sure you highlight specific successful instances of your working relationship with the client.
  • Don’t always wait until the project is over. You can ask for a referral at any point during or after the project. However, make sure that you have completed most of it or already have built a solid relationship with the client.

3. Use your social media platforms effectively.

Social media provides you with an incredible platform to share your business, but you need to make sure you use it effectively.

  • Get creative with visual content. People love visually interesting content. The more pictures and unique illustrations you can share, the more engagement you can have with your content.
  • Use live videos. Normal Facebook videos can generate a lot of interaction, but live videos can generate 10x more engagement and as many as 6x more engagements.

Remember, social media is highly effective at helping you build relationships and advertise your services. It allows customers and potential customers to interact with you and your company in a relaxed setting while simultaneously allowing you to market your services.

4. Connect and network

It is important to connect and network with other people in your industry. Doing so allows you to build rapport with like-minded individuals and can increase your long-term success. You can accomplish this by providing value to others by providing tips and following or setting business trends. Doing so proves your authenticity and authority in your field and can build your name and reputation to potential clients.

5. Email marketing

Email marketing has been around for a while, but that doesn’t make it any less valid. It’s still one of the best digital marketing strategies around because it allows you to segment your audience and address them much more personally. It is done by directly addressing individuals and grouping messages to clients based on their specific needs.
Video email marketing can also help your long-term success because it can be more engaging than strict-text emails that some may find bland.

6. Blogging

In addition to directly talking to your audience through social media and email marketing, you can provide value to your clients through blogs. Online resources like blogs can also help you establish authority and demonstrate your expertise to clients and peers alike.

7. Have a quality database

Having a quality database can help increase the success of your business. Databases allow you to track the success of different strategies and campaigns you undertake to determine which work best for you, which bring you the most business, and which may need some extra attention.

Key takeaways

Effective marketing strategies are vital to the success of any business, and they are especially important to mortgage loan officers. Choosing and implementing the right ones can boost and scale your business. Whether you choose to start with social media, email marketing, blogging, or peer-based tactics, it can help you increase your client pool and get your name out there.

To learn more about effective marketing strategies, check out Good Vibe Squad’s Unfair Advantage, the mortgage marketing system for loan officers that can definitely help you generate quality leads.

Effective Marketing Ideas for Loan Officers is courtesy of:

Original post here: Effective Marketing Ideas for Loan Officers

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Top Reasons Why Mortgage Facebook Ads Don’t Work

There are currently more than 2.85 billion active Facebook users around the world today, and that number is only expected to grow in the coming years. This makes Facebook an excellent place to advertise products and companies, as hundreds of millions of people may potentially be reached through a Facebook ad.

But if you don’t create the ads properly, they won’t work for your business at all. If you don’t pay attention to your searcher’s intent, Facebook’s ad policies, or your own landing page quality, then any Facebook advertisements you create are sure to fail.

For more detailed information on how Facebook ads work, check out our article on using Facebook Mortgage Ads for Generating Leads.

1. Searcher’s intent

Facebook advertisements have many things going for them, but they also have strong weaknesses--determining the searcher’s intent is one of them.

As a loan officer, there are several factors you need to take into consideration when you’re looking for qualifying leads, including age range, financial status, and other key demographic determiners. If you don’t know exactly which group you want to advertise to and don’t take the time to ensure they are the ones receiving your ad, then Facebook ads may prove useless to you. In that case, you will have wasted both time and resources on an ad that will not work for you.

2. Not complying with the Facebook ads policies

Facebook ad policies are in a constant state of flux. As new problems arise, they must change to ensure Facebook’s users are as protected on the site as they can be. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that you stay on top of these changes and are aware of them as they are implemented. For example, in 2020, Facebook implemented a new policy requiring advertisements relating to the mortgage industry to fall under their Special Ads category.

Special ads category

The Special Ads category on Facebook relates specifically to advertisements relating to housing, credit, or job opportunities. Unfortunately, this kind of ad is very limited in its options, including a lack of saved audiences, location access, age or gender determination, and detailed targeting with certain demographics or income factors.

In light of this, it may seem wiser to not list your mortgage company’s ads in the Special Ads folder, as you lose access to vital tools. But know that if you falsify your ad type, there may be serious consequences, including removing the ad, a lowered page quality, or even your company’s removal and banning from Facebook activity in the future.

Technical difficulties with ads

In addition to breaking Facebook policies and guidelines, there are other reasons why your advertisement may not be successful. For example, if you are missing or have poor ad features, you can have a very low lead generation rate. Here are three factors that strongly play into an ad’s success:


If your advertisement is too wordy, people will likely scroll right past it without ever knowing what the ad was about. You need to take the time to hone your ad down to a few effective words as possible--the more concise, the better.

Broken URL

Another reason that your ad may technically fail is if the links you’ve attached are broken. If leads can’t access the information you’re trying to share, then the whole ad is a failure.

Using Facebook or Instagram Trademarks

If you use Facebook or Instagram trademarks in your advertisements, it may also fail because each company owns the rights to those symbols. If you choose to use them, you may face serious legal repercussions.

3. Having a low Facebook page quality

Another factor that can cause Facebook ads to be ineffective for you is the condition of your company’s FaceBook page.

To have an effective Facebook ad campaign, you need to have a Facebook page to reference potential clients back to. If your page isn’t created and maintained to a certain quality standard, you won’t gain any new leads. 

Suppose your pages keep getting flagged for violating Facebook community guidelines. In that case, your page will inevitably be given a low-quality rating on the site, putting any advertising campaigns you undertake at risk. There are several community guidelines that Facebook has put into place, and most of them are quite obvious rules, including the banning of pornographic photography of adults and children, hate speech, and bullying--with the exception of comments directed at or about public figures.

But there are other rules that may more easily be broken if you don’t know what to look for. For example, if you post any client information in a post, like a photo of completed mortgage loan documents, you can be flagged for revealing private information that may cause financial harm. Pages that are viewed as spam-like may be flagged, as well as those that misrepresent the company represented.

You can check your Facebook page’s quality by going to the “More” menu at the top of your page and selecting “Page Quality” from the drop-down menu.

4. Having a low landing page quality

You need to have a solid Facebook page before posting any ads. After all, one of the first things new leads will see after clicking on your ad is going to be that page. If you don’t post regularly, have low-quality posts, not updating your cover photos, or use personal photos instead of business-related images, people will likely click away from your site without learning anything more about your business.

Further, Facebook will check links to websites that you feature on your page and in your advertisements to ensure that they comply with existing ad rules. Here are some common reasons why an ad, linked website, or page may get flagged as low-quality

  • A surplus of pop-ups: If you have a large number of advertisements on your Facebook page that are pop-up, you may be flagged as a spam account and have your account’s quality rating lowered. But even if it’s not, having pop-up ads can really weaken your lead generation because people generally find pop-up ads to be frustrating and distracting.
  • Broken links: If your advertisements feature broken links, no one is helped by them. You won’t gain any new clients because they’ll never be directed to the right pages, and your clients may come away with a negative opinion of your company.
  • Misleading content: If you are posting an advertisement to Facebook, make sure your ads are straightforward--don’t advertise anything irrelevant to the product you wish to promote. Doing so is misleading and will not draw in the clients you want because the product you feature is not the one being advertised.

Should you stop doing Facebook ads on your mortgage business?

Facebook ads can be great for your business, but you may actually hurt your business in the long run if you don’t know how to use them properly. New rules are constantly being implemented, and they can undeniably impact your lead generation. You need to be aware of them and follow them carefully to avoid losing company access to Facebook. 

Remember, you can still generate massive amounts of leads from Facebook ads; you just need to change the way you advertise through the site. 

Contact Good Vibe Squad to learn more about Facebook ads. Hiring a professional can help you save time and resources when creating the best campaign for you.

Top Reasons Why Mortgage Facebook Ads Don’t Work was originally published on:

Original post here: Top Reasons Why Mortgage Facebook Ads Don’t Work

Mortgage Email Marketing Guide for Generating Leads

Knowing the best ways to market your company can be incredibly difficult. Traditional means would have you invest in billboards, commercials, or radio advertisements. But the most effective way to communicate with potential customers today is through email marketing campaigns.

Email marketing is a powerful tool that can exponentially increase the amount of business your mortgage company garners if done correctly.

Benefits of email marketing

There are many benefits to using email marketing. Let’s take a look at five of the most common advantages:

1. It is cost-effective and has a high ROI.

Email marketing is incredibly cost-effective because you’re able to reach nearly limitless numbers of people without paying much money at all. In addition, unlike traditional marketing methods that require payment not only for the contents but also for printing, you’ll get a much higher ROI (return on investment) because you don’t have to spend a fortune on materials.

2. It has a higher response rate.

Compared to traditional marketing strategies, email marketing has a much higher open rate and response rate. Because traditional marketing types consist of print, broadcast, billboard, and direct mail advertising, it’s impossible to know just how many people have seen the advertisement. There is no way of knowing if anyone opened your letters or read the text within.

With email marketing, every time a message is delivered, the stats are logged. Every time an email is opened, they’re logged again. With email marketing, you can have a better understanding of how effective your messages are.

3. It is more personal and engaging.

With modern email marketing campaigns, messages can be directly addressed to individual users rather than a general audience. This allows for a much more personal touch than traditional marketing provides, even with the ever-popular social media marketing.

4. It can reach more people.

In 2020, there are about four billion active email users online today, and 99% of them check their email accounts every day. That’s more than half of the population of the entire planet. No other marketing strategy or method has anywhere near that reach. So, with email marketing, you’re basically guaranteed to reach a responsive audience.

5. It allows for easy campaign tracking.

With email marketing comes a whole slew of advantages, including a set of tools that allow you to see the open rate, deliverability, bounce rate, and much more of the messages you’re sending. You can then extrapolate from this data which users are most interested in your services and create content geared toward that audience.

Using email marketing for your mortgage business

Email marketing comes in many different forms, and it can be tricky to figure out which options are the best for your company to invest in. Here is a list of the topmost successful email marketing types in use today.

  • Welcome or introductory emails are especially important in marketing because they introduce clients to the more personal side of your business. In addition, they help you set the foundation for a working relationship with clients and demonstrate your knowledge of your field.
  • Newsletters are one of the best email marketing types to use because they educate clients and potential clients about advancements in the company, raising brand awareness in the process. This allows your business to stay at the forefront of your customers’ minds while not overwhelming them with product or service information. Additionally, newsletters are great vessels for any kind of information you need to convey--you can include blogs, discount information, events, advertisements, and much more.
  • Market updates are a way you can educate clients about the best times to invest in home purchases and take out mortgages in the first place. By providing them with information on the state of the market, you show them that you care about them as more than clients--especially if you’ve taken the time to consider which market trends are going to be most beneficial to them and emailed them about the results.
  • Email reminders about Consultations and Appointments are also an excellent way to touch base with your clients. It lets them know you haven’t forgotten about them. It can contain pertinent information about the meeting like time and location or even information about the topics to be discussed.
  • Customer loyalty initiatives allow you the opportunity to entice prospective clients into using your company’s services through offers of discounts, additional benefits, or other incentives to promote more loyalty to the company.
  • Announcements for new products or opportunities are another way that companies can inform potential clients about themselves. When a new product or service is added to a company’s roster, they are handed a great opportunity to develop more leads because people love learning about new things.
  • Emails about new blog posts can help clients learn more about your company and can help you generate more website traffic by redirecting recipients to your online site.

Best practices for effective email mortgage marketing

There are many ways you can undertake an effective email marketing campaign. Let’s take a minute to look at the best format and strategies for you to follow.

Effective email campaign format

Formatting is incredibly important when it comes to email marketing. The proper format can often make or break the entire campaign. When it’s done right, it will help you increase your open and conversion rates for long-term success.

  • The Subject Line is the very first thing any potential client will see. If yours is too long, complex, or confusing, the email may go straight to the trash folder without ever being opened. Take the time to craft a compelling subject line so that people will want to open your message. Remember: make it short, simple, and descriptive.
  • The Body of the Email contains the main message you want to convey. With the body, make sure you deliver your message in simple terms--no complex jargon--and break up your paragraphs into smaller sections. Larger sections can deter potential clients from reading your email at all.
  • Include a CTA or Call to Action. Once potential clients have all of the information you want to deliver to them, what next? What do they need to do with that knowledge? Tell them! Include a CTA that directs them to contact you, visit your website, or any other action that you want to encourage.

Content strategy

One of the best ways to nurture client relationships and close deals is by putting in place a solid email content strategy.

  • First email: In this message, you need to make sure that you win the client’s business. This doesn’t mean you need to sell them a product now. It means you need to sell them on your company. Write a short email with possible steps for them to take and a CTA.
  • Follow-up email #1: If a client didn’t respond to your first message, send another with information restating your sales pitch, but don’t be pushy. You can include FAQs and valuable pieces of information to encourage a response.
  • Follow-up email #2 & subsequent emails: Once you’ve established an email conversation with a client, don’t leave them hanging. Instead, continue to communicate relevant information to them and maintain the relationship for future business opportunities.


Timing is also important with it comes to emails and increasing open rates. Even though your clients have very different schedules, test and see whether you get better general responses through CRM or Google Analytics at different times of the day or on different days of the week.

Additionally, it’s crucial to maintain some regularity with client emails to hold their attention. Make sure you send your first email to them within a week of the first meeting. Then, send a follow-up email a week later and a third two weeks after that. Once you’ve spaced out the pattern, you can rely on monthly messages to maintain interest.


Email marketing is an excellent strategy for businesses to use. It has a much higher ROI than traditional marketing types can provide, and it’s not difficult to maintain. It allows companies to reach border audiences with less effort and promotes long-term engagement for both clients and the company. 

Contact Good Vibe Squad today for more information on email marketing.

Mortgage Email Marketing Guide for Generating Leads is courtesy of:

Original post here: Mortgage Email Marketing Guide for Generating Leads

Monday, June 14, 2021

Local SEO Guide for Mortgage Leads

Earning a high ranking on search engines, especially the more popular ones like Google, can feel like an impossible task. Typically, the first results to crop up are those from nationwide companies whose lead generation strategies can be difficult to compete with. This is one of the most difficult challenges that any loan officer can face on the job. 

Fortunately, there is a way that you can develop strong lead generation strategies for your business that will help push your website to the top of search engine rankings: through the use of local SEO. Local SEO provides loan officers with the techniques and strategies they need to rise through the rankings and reach the clients who are closest to them.

Let’s look at what local SEO is and what tools it offers to help boost your online presence.

What is local SEO?

Local SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a way companies and businesses can draw in clients and customers from their own neighborhoods. With local SEO, your website is specially designed to alert those who are geographically closest to your business instead of casting a larger, less defined net across the entire internet as standard SEO programs do. 

Using special vernacular and optimization techniques such as “local business” or “near me” tags on your website allows search engines like Google to filter out other websites that are farther away from the searcher, automatically boosting your site much higher up on the results page. In fact, if you use these terms, Google prioritizes your business as a search result because it will be more significant to the searcher.

Local SEO strategies for generating leads

There are many different strategies, tools, and techniques you can employ to ensure that you’re generating the highest possible amount of local leads for your site.

1. Google My Business

Google My Business, or GMB, is a tool from Google that allows business owners like you to develop a stronger online presence for your business. Most businesses with any kind of online presence have business profiles that list the most basic information about your company on Google. This profile can exist independently from any effort on your part, as Google can pull information about your business from anywhere on the web.

To help owners control the information shared about their business and how it is presented online, Google created GMB. Through GBM, business owners are granted the unique ability to customize and manage their business profiles. After all, these profiles are usually the first thing any customer will see when researching mortgage companies--not necessarily your website. 

In light of this, you can see how incredibly important it is to make sure that the information presented in your profile is that which puts your office’s best food forward.

Creating a Google My Business listing

Google My Business listings are relatively easy to create. All you need to do is follow these simple steps: 

  1. Create a Google Account or log in to an existing account that you intend to use for your business.
  2. Visit and click “Start Now.”
  3. Input all the requested information including your business’ name and its address.
  4. Select an appropriate business category--the more accurate you are in selecting this category, the better Google’s lead generation will be for you.
  5. Add your business’s phone number and website information.
  6. Verify your business.

Verifying your Google My Business listing

  • Postcard
    To verify your business by postcard, select postcard verification, input a contact name, and select “Mail.” Within five business days, the postcard will reach you. Once it arrives, log into your GMB account and select “Verify Now.” A box will appear requesting the 5-digit verification code found on your postcard. Input the number, and submit.

Note: If you changed any information about the business on your listing before the postcard comes, the process may be delayed.

  • Phone
    Select businesses may verify by phone. To do so, log into your GMB account and select “Verify By Phone.” A verification code will be texted to your device. Input the number and submit. 
  • Email
    Log into your GMB account and select “Verify By Email,” Once an email from GMB appears in your account, open it and click the verification button therein.
  • Instant Verification
    Those who have verified their business with Google Search Console may be eligible for instant verification. To do this, log in to your GMB account using the same name you used for Google Search Console. You should receive an automatic verification.

2. Manage customer reviews

Managing customer reviews is one of the best ways to actively encourage customer interaction with your company online. One of the easiest ways to do this is by taking the time to respond to any current reviews left for you. Doing so proves to customers that you value their input enough to take the time to respond. It also encourages others to comment as well when they see how interactive you are.

Responding to comments isn’t limited to positive reviews, though. You should also take time to write professional, kind comments on negative reviews that reflect your willingness to consider the customer’s dissatisfaction.

3. Optimize website for local SEO

As has already been mentioned, Google places the highest priority on providing those who use the search engine with local results. The best way to encourage Google to boost your business to the top of the results page is by optimizing your content--keywords, headings, and more--for local SEO as well.

Keyword research

Keyword research is an invaluable step in helping to optimize your site. Research the keywords that are most commonly associated with your business type and those that best describe your work. Once you have that list, take the time to add them throughout your website through the use of unique content that will promote your company.

Valuable content

Make sure that whatever content you are producing is of value to your readers, watchers, and potential clients. No one wants to have their time wasted. So, when people read information and take nothing away, they may be left with a negative impression of your business.

To combat this, take the time to ensure you are creating unique content that will appeal to readers. And don’t be afraid to mix mediums with textual content, images, infographics, videos, or whatever else you come up with.

4. Use social media strategy

As of April 2021, Statista reports that a staggering 82% of Americans use social media equalling more than 223 million people. Now, more than ever, a social media presence is becoming vital for the success of businesses, and there are many different tools and strategies you can use to ensure your online presence is noticed.

One of the best ways to get potential client interest is by featuring existing or previous client testimonials. These show new and potential clients that your business is helpful, professional, and trustworthy.

Other strategies and tools that may be used include:

  • Diversify content types
  • Post interesting or little-known facts related to your business
  • Answer any comments left to you to develop interaction
  • Post on a schedule

5. Citations

Citations are another invaluable tool for your business. They are a collection of other websites related to or feature content related to your mortgage business with the same NAP, name, address, and phone. Google measures your NAP’s presence across many websites to show that you are who you say you are.

Websites that commonly cite businesses and their NAPs include Yelp, Superpages, Yellowpages, and Facebook.

Checking your local SEO

SEO 3-packs are another tool you can use to optimize your ranking on Google. The 3-pack, or local pack, is a listing of the top three businesses that pop up on Google when searchers enter specific keywords like “local,” “near me,” or “near [location].”

These three listings are usually the only ones most people bother to look at even though other businesses are listed under “More Places.” It’s essential that your business makes it to this list so that you can generate more leads and traffic on your site and earn more business from these new clients.


Local SEO is an invaluable tool that can really change your business’s online success. By developing your Google My Business account and tailoring information about your business, you are much more in control of your ranking.

And, if you further optimize your site properly with the right keywords, social media engagement, and citations geared towards engaging a local audience, your presence will undoubtedly increase.

To learn more about how you can market your business locally, contact Good Vibe Squad today.

The following blog post Local SEO Guide for Mortgage Leads is courtesy of:

Original post here: Local SEO Guide for Mortgage Leads