Monday, May 30, 2022

Benefits of Influencer Marketing in the Mortgage Industry

Influencer marketing is quickly becoming the best way to build and grow your brand online. In fact, Forbes reports that influencer marketing is growing faster than digital ads and providing much greater benefits for companies around the world. But what is an influencer and how is influencer marketing really able to benefit your mortgage business?

What is an influencer?

An influencer is a person that has the ability to influence potential consumers by promoting and recommending a specific product or service through their social media channel. They typically have a large following with a specific target audience that follows them for their knowledge and expertise on a specific topic. Top influencers are often celebrities. According to Visual Capitalist, the top five social media influencers online based on their number of followers include Cristiano Ronaldo, Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, and Taylor Swift.

While those influencers are unlikely to benefit the mortgage industry, sharing your expert knowledge of the industry through social media platforms may quickly gain you followers and offer an influencer status. In fact, LinkedIn reports that 2022 is bringing the rise of the mortgage influencer.

What is influencer marketing?

Influencer marketing is a type of social media marketing strategy that uses endorsements from influencers. This marketing concept takes advantage of the large following or consumers that influencers have, allowing them to reach a greater audience. When you partner with an influencer, you typically pay a flat rate for them to create a promotional post or product endorsement. As you build a relationship, it may be beneficial for them and for you to become a brand ambassador or an influencer that regularly promotes or endorses your services.

Benefits of using influencer marketing

The biggest benefit of influencer marketing is the influencer already has an established audience that follows them, giving your brand access to those followers. But that is only the beginning. Influencer marketing offers a wide range of benefits that can provide a substantial boost to your business when you partner with the right influencer or become a mortgage-industry influencer yourself.

Improve brand awareness

Influencer marketing allows you to expand your reach. As an influencer shares your business product or services, their social users will begin to learn more about who you are and what you have to offer. The key to successful influencer marketing partnerships is that the influencer’s audience fits your target market and that you offer a benefit to the influencer’s current social media presence.

Builds trust and credibility

The key to an influencer’s success is that they build trust with their followers. When an influencer shares your information, their followers respect their recommendations and are more likely to trust the product or services you offer. When an influencer shares your brand, it creates a sense of instant credibility and trust that may otherwise be difficult to achieve.

Builds authority

If you can garner the attention of a mortgage industry authority influencer, it shows the influencer’s followers that your business aligns with industry leaders and that you too are an industry authority. In a time when building online trust is critical, influencer marketing can truly make a difference.

Effectively reach the target audience and beyond

Influencers depend on building a large following and when they mention your brand, this large following knows about it. Finding the right influencer within your industry or with an audience that fits your target market is essential. When partnered with the right influencer, you can reach your target market on a much greater level and boost your sales potential.

Builds winning partnership

Regularly working with an influencer and building a partnership can greatly benefit both you and the influencer. Eventually, the influencer may be interested in becoming a long-term brand advocate, or someone who will regularly promote your services to their followers.

Reduce your advertising budget

Traditional advertising, such as ads through social media, can be expensive. In many cases, you pay every time someone clicks on an ad, and you are not guaranteed a conversion. With influencer marketing, you typically pay an influencer a flat rate for each post or mention they provide. This post reaches a large audience with no additional cost to you and, given the fact that these followers are seeing a promotion by someone they respect, the chances of conversion are often higher.

Provides fresh and unique content

While you may create blogs and videos through your own social media platforms, finding fresh and new content can often be time-consuming. Partnering with industry-specific influencers and sharing their content allows you to both appeal to your followers as well as put your brand in front of the influencer’s followers.

Generates leads

The more your brand is talked about, the higher your lead generation prospects become. Social media and influencers provide a simple way for consumers to express interest in the services you offer. These platforms are quickly becoming one of the best ways to help generate web traffic and boost lead generation.

Drives conversion

When an influencer recommends a product or service, they have the ability to lead their followers towards these services. In fact, as many as 50% of online consumers depend on recommendations from influencers and as many as 40% of online consumers end up using new companies or products that they see promoted by social media influencers.

Use influencer marketing to your advantage

Taking advantage of social media and influencer marketing in today’s competitive online world can make a big difference to your brand awareness and provide a significant boost to your overall lead generation and sales. At Good Vibe Squad, we understand how important it is to make your brand stand out and generate qualified leads on a regular basis in order to achieve success and our Unfair Advantage™ can help you do just that. To learn more, schedule a call with us today. 

The following post Benefits of Influencer Marketing in the Mortgage Industry is available on: Good Vibe Squad

Original post here: Benefits of Influencer Marketing in the Mortgage Industry

Sunday, May 29, 2022

AI Chatbot for Mortgage Industry

In today’s technology-based world, everyone has access to information whenever they need it, including outside of traditional business hours. People want answers to their questions immediately and if they can’t find what they are looking for, they move on to a competitor that will offer the answers they need.

Unfortunately, as a mortgage loan officer, you can’t be available to answer questions 24/7, but there is a way that your website can! Adding a mortgage chatbot can provide potential clients with the answers they need when they are looking. But how effective are chatbots in the mortgage industry?

What is an AI chatbot?

AI chatbots are artificial intelligence bots that interact with online users, simulating a conversation. Through conversation, these chatbots can answer basic mortgage questions, provide information about the lender, information about loan processing, and much more. This allows potential clients to get the information they need at any time of day or night and allow you to follow up with them during business hours.

Benefits of an AI chatbot

The average person between the ages of 16 and 64 spends just under 7 hours a day online. These users are often performing internet searches and looking for answers to questions, shopping online, and visiting social media platforms. If they can’t find the answers they are looking for, statistics show that nearly 40% of internet users prefer to interact with chatbots online to find the answers they are looking for. Having a chatbot that works through your website or social media platform offers many benefits that can help boost your business.

Available 24/7

No one wants to work 24/7 but you do want to be available for your clients and potential leads. Adding a chatbot allows you to offer services and answers to potential clients no matter what time of day or night.

Human-like interaction

Chatbots are programmed to interact with users in the same manner as you would through natural conversation. They can decode even the simplest of terms and provide answers to the mortgage industry questions users have.

Provides answers instantly

Online users want answers to their questions immediately and, when they have to wait to contact you during business hours or respond to their email inquiry, they are often more likely to move on to a competitor that can provide the answers they are looking for. With an AI chatbot, these users can receive the answers and information they are looking for instantly and, if needed, follow up with you during normal business hours.

Increases lead generation possibilities

A chatbot is a valuable tool to add to your lead generation strategy. It allows you to increase the conversational experience of your website visitors. Through conversation, the chatbot can evaluate prospects and provide them with the information they request. When the chatbot determines the prospect is a qualified lead, they can directly connect the lead to you for further follow-up.

Generates engagement reports

AI chatbots not only provide information to potential borrowers, but they also provide an insight to you on the visitors to your site, what they are looking for, and how you can better provide the information they are looking for. In addition, these engagement reports evaluate chatbot users and identify qualified leads for additional follow-up.


Answering online visitors’ questions and concerns is important and you want to be able to do this immediately. However, hiring customer service agents that can be available 24/7 can be expensive. AI chatbots solve this problem, enabling you to provide the customer service that will boost your business without the traditional costs of a customer service team.

Types of AI chatbots

Not all chatbots are the same and how they work depends on their algorithms and how they are programmed. There are three common types: support, skilled, and assistant.


Support chatbots are programmed to be automated customer service agents that can answer any potential questions a user may have about a specific topic. In the mortgage industry, these chatbots have an in-depth knowledge of the lending process and can provide quality information to the user.


Skilled chatbots are programmed to provide a specific skill. For example, Alexa is a skilled chatbot that users can ask to turn on their music or provide a Google search. In the mortgage industry, a skilled chatbot can include a mortgage calculator.


Assistant chatbots are essentially a combination of the two previous chatbots. They offer both the ability to converse with users as well as provide tasks and tools for users to interact with.

AI chatbots benefiting the mortgage industry

Quality customer service and building relationships with leads and clients are essential for every successful mortgage lender. However, technology and the internet have changed the way many potential clients look for information and short of hiring a customer service team or working 24/7, there is no way you can be available to answer questions every hour of the day. This is where an AI chatbot becomes a valuable tool for your business, allowing you to provide the answers consumers are looking for when they are looking.

At Good Vibe Squad, we understand the importance of customer service and quality leads and work to boost mortgage production. To learn more about our Unfair Advantage™ program, book a call with us today.

The following post AI Chatbot for Mortgage Industry is courtesy of:

Original post here: AI Chatbot for Mortgage Industry

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Using LinkedIn Video Messaging to Connect with Your Mortgage Prospects

LinkedIn is a social media platform designed for business professionals as a way to find and build professional relationships. Unfortunately, with so many professionals on LinkedIn, it can be difficult to actually make connections, with many traditional messages simply filling up already filled email inboxes. Video messaging, however, gives you the ability to stand out and create a more personal connection. What is video messaging on LinkedIn, and how do you send videos through LinkedIn messaging?

Why use video messaging?

On a platform such as LinkedIn, it is necessary to create a way to stand out above your competitors. You want your messages to potential connections to be seen and heard. But how can you create a message that does just that? The answer is video messaging. While you can still create a powerfully written message, embedding videos into your LinkedIn messages allows you to humanize the content and create a more personal connection.

When to use LinkedIn video message

Any time you are looking to set yourself apart from your competition in messages to potential referral partners or customers on LinkedIn, a personalized video message is the best option. While everyone’s LinkedIn inbox is filled with messages, a video stands out above the rest and offers a way to create a personalized connection.

How to send video in LinkedIn message

When you decide to add a video to your LinkedIn messages, the steps are fairly easy. Creating a video message doesn’t take much time at all. Here we offer a step-by-step guide on creating your video message.

1. Open your LinkedIn messenger

Begin by opening your LinkedIn Messenger. Find the prospect that you want to send a video message to and click the video form button. Once there, you can choose how you want to record your video.

2. Record a video

Within LinkedIn, you can create a video message simply using your camera, or you can choose to add audio or screen options. Once you choose your format, you are ready to start recording by clicking the “start recording” button.

3. Edit and save the video

Once your video message is complete, you can click to stop the recording. At this point, you can save the video or click the “X” to rerecord another video.

4. Edit thumbnail and add a CTA

Once your video is recorded and saved, LinkedIn provides you with the option to edit the video thumbnail and add video effects to help make the thumbnail stand out more. This is a great time to add a CTA to your message in order to prompt your viewer to take action on your message. Once you complete these steps, you will receive a menu prompt to copy the thumbnail and the link.

5. Paste video preview into LinkedIn messenger

At this time, open the prospect's messenger and paste the video link into the message section. You can add any additional text you would like, and then your message is ready to send.

Tips on how to make an effective video message

Now that you know how to send a message, the focus turns to create the perfect message to send. While many may decide just to wing it, we believe you will find greater success when you take the time to think about and create a specific message. Here we offer some tips for creating effective videos for your LinkedIn messaging.

Write a script

When creating a video message, you likely have a specific objective you want the video to achieve. This can be a simple introduction, a follow-up from previous meetings or connections, or something educational, such as mortgage industry news. Creating a script can help ensure you meet these goals and stay on track while recording.

Customize the message

While you are likely to send similar messages to many different prospects, whether through email or LinkedIn messages, it is recommended that you personalize and customize each message for each prospect. For example, while you may use a similar script for multiple contacts, you should personalize your prospects name or business, as well as the date in each individual video.

Be natural

When creating a video message, the idea is to connect with a prospect and highlight who you are and what you offer. When creating a video, the idea is to highlight who you are and who they would be dealing with directly. This means you want to be your natural self. There is no need for studio lights and stage backgrounds. Simply find a good, quiet location with some natural light, dress in your normal business attire, and just be yourself.

Video messaging offers a personal connection

Video messaging through LinkedIn is a great way to help you stand out above your competition and get noticed by the prospects you hope to connect with. Making these connections is a vital part of your marketing strategy and the key to your business success. At Good Vibe Squad, we understand how important it is to build professional relationships. Through our Unfair Advantage™, we can help you double your mortgage production. To learn more, contact us today.

The article Using LinkedIn Video Messaging to Connect with Your Mortgage Prospects was first published on:

Original post here: Using LinkedIn Video Messaging to Connect with Your Mortgage Prospects

Friday, May 27, 2022

Mortgage Video Marketing Using Social Media

In a world where content is king and just about everyone has some sort of social media profile, mortgage marketing has never been so important. While making regular text posts on social media can be effective, social media video marketing offers you a way to stand out above your competition. Why is video important in social media marketing, and how can it really make a difference in your marketing strategy?

What is mortgage marketing?

Mortgage marketing is a way to educate and motivate potential borrowers to choose your mortgage services over others. Your mortgage marketing strategy can include corporate brand management, generating referral partner relationships, and maintaining an active social media presence. While the written text has always been a major component of every marketing strategy, the world of social media allows you to take your marketing to a different level. Video marketing allows you to leave a stronger impression on potential borrowers while also helping to generate an emotional connection.

Benefits of using videos in mortgage marketing

As we mentioned, the use of videos in mortgage marketing helps create a connection with potential borrowers in a way that written text cannot do. In fact, the use of video marketing, when combined with social media, offers many different benefits for your business, including:

  • Potential borrowers have a 75% greater understanding of information in videos as opposed to reading the same information
  • Videos on a landing page can increase your conversion rate by as much as 82%
  • Emails with videos generate higher click through rates
  • Video marketing can grow your revenue 49% faster than text-based marketing
  • Marketing videos can increase your website traffic by 41%
    52% of marketing specialists confirm that video marketing has the highest ROI of any marketing content

Different video marketing options

When you decide to add videos to your marketing strategy, the next step is determining what content to include in your videos and what type of videos will bring you the best results. Here we take a look at some of the video options that work best for the mortgage industry.

Introductory messages

When you meet a new lead or referral in person, you first introduce yourself and the services you offer. Video marketing allows you to introduce yourself to potential borrowers and referrals long before you meet in person. Creating a powerful introduction video allows you to connect with leads and referrals through social media and gives you the opportunity to showcase your valuable services.

Thank you for the referral message

When realtors send borrowers your way, chances are you will drop them a quick thank you email. Instead of just a simple thank you, why not create a personalized thank you video? Adding a personalized video response helps create a personalized connection and build better relationships.

Meeting follow ups

After a meeting with a potential borrower, customer, or a referral partner, it is always beneficial to send some sort of follow-up. Creating a personalized video allows you to thank them for their time and provide a recap of what was discussed during your meeting.

Loan anniversary videos

Staying in touch with previous clients is an important way to maintain a connection and a loan anniversary is a perfect opportunity to make this connection. Creating a personalized video allows you to connect with your client, thank them again for their business, and let them know that you are there for them should they ever need your services in the future.

Birthday videos

Sending out birthday emails is a great way to stay connected with leads, clients, and referral partners. While everyone loves a birthday message, a personalized birthday video delivers a much more personal touch. While singing happy birthday would be an added bonus, a cheerful birthday wish is just as perfect.

Holiday videos

The holidays are a great way to connect with leads, clients, and referral partners. Creating a festive holiday video that you can post to your social media and email to your contact list allows you to connect and helps to nurture your business relationships.

Mortgage news

Mortgage news updates videos are a great way to educate your social media followers and website visitors. Sharing regular industry news updates offers high value to both borrowers and referral partners. Summarizing industry news in easy-to-digest language makes it easier for those without industry knowledge to understand and see the impact the information can make on them.

Loan process updates

One of the most exciting things for a home mortgage borrower is learning that their loan has been approved for closing. Instead of a simple email or a phone call, a loan process update video is a personalized option that allows you to better connect with your client.

Take advantage of video marketing

Adding video marketing, whether through educational videos or direct messages to your followers, can help nurture relationships with your contacts and provide a much more personal presence on your social media platforms. At Good Vibe Squad, we understand the importance of building relationships, increasing your leads, and boosting your business and are here to help. Our Unfair Advantage™ can help boost and fastrack your lead generation and, ultimately, your business. To learn more, book a call with us today.

The following blog post Mortgage Video Marketing Using Social Media is courtesy of:

Original post here: Mortgage Video Marketing Using Social Media