Friday, July 30, 2021

Guide to Mortgage Lead Generation Websites

One of the most challenging aspects of working in the mortgage loan industry is keeping up a steady flow of leads. After all, without a solid lead pipeline, you will not be able to grow or sustain your business.

To ensure you maintain proper lead-generating channels, you need to invest in tried-and-true methods that help you keep them coming in. One such strategy is having your own lead-generating website.

This article will not discuss finer starting points of the technical details that create a website, like setting up domain names or hosting. Instead, it will instruct you on the importance of lead-generating sites, how to design a site with lead generation in mind, the usefulness of CRMs, and a few key tips you can use now to increase your mortgage leads.

What is a lead generation website?

A lead generation website is a site that teaches visitors about the specific products and services your mortgage lending company provides while simultaneously collecting useful data about site visitors. 

This is highly advantageous because it gives your business the opportunity to inform potential clients about your services, thereby growing customer retention. Additionally, it provides your sales teams with the data they need to market to the right audiences and make sure they are hitting the right pain and selling points for your customers.

How do you create a mortgage lead generation website?

You must consider two steps before creating a mortgage lead-generating website: creating the system and creating conversion paths. Each of these comes with a list of steps you need to follow.

But there is a key factor that needs to be established before you can make any other decisions about your site: determining your audience. After all, if you don’t know who your audience is, how will you know who to market to? And how will you know which methods will work best on your target demographics if you don’t know which people make up those groups? Take some time to carefully consider your audience before delving into these lead-generating, site-building tips.

Create a system

The goal of any good mortgage lead-generating website is to convert as many online visitors as possible into viable leads. To do this, you need to set up a solid, workable system designed to bring in and retain as many visitors as possible. Fortunately, there are several different systems you can use.

  • Traffic source: The primary source for how people find your website or company in the first place. It can be through referrals, social media, or any number of other sources.
  • CTA: A CTA or “call to action” is a straightforward instruction that potential customers are given upon viewing your site or reading an article. It urges them toward an action that you want them to take.
  • Inquiry form: It is how a website collects customer information and leads by prompting readers to fill out their names, contact information, and other personal details.

Create conversion paths

Once you have your lead-generating system in place, you need to build solid conversion paths to move potential customers from the window-shopping stage and closer to the purchasing stage of their business relationship with you. There are three standard conversion path stages that you can use to build strong systems for your mortgage lending company.

  • TOFU, or top of the funnel, is the awareness stage of a buyer’s interaction with your company. It’s where they first become aware of their problem, research it, and find your business among their preliminary research. For this stage, you need to make sure you provide enough valuable content that your site is a source of information in your potential clients’ research.
  • MOFU, or the middle of the funnel, is where clients consider the specific mortgage lending solutions you provide, and they are actively researching specific solutions. You need to continue providing a lot of information at this stage because potential clients are still not ready to buy yet. Take the chance to unforcefully guide them toward using your company’s services.
  • BOFU, or bottom of the funnel, is where clients decide to make a purchase or not. These researchers rely on brands and specific products. You need to make sure in this stage that you sell your services as much as you can. Show clients why they should work with you and make your brand stand out.

Website and CMS

Web-building services are incredibly handy, but they come in cookie-cutter formats that leave little room for a business’ self-expression or personality to show through, not to mention all the technological amenities that are missed out on.

If you want your business’ website to truly stand out and help you bring in as many viable leads as possible, you need to invest in a strong, customized website with a built-in content management system (CMS). When you invest in customized services, all the site functions will be rooted in the needs of your specific business, not the potential generic needs of any number of sites.

Tips on increasing mortgage leads

There are many ways you can increase the number of leads that visit your website. Let’s take a closer look at three top methods:

  • Use proper keyword research for each page for organic traffic and inquiries.
  • Create content around those keywords. Typically, you should invest in building up informational content that teaches potential leads about the topics they’re researching. This gives you credibility and builds lead loyalty.
  • Properly motivate your audience with CTA buttons. If your audience doesn’t feel inspired to take action after seeing your CTA button, you need to change it to inspire a stronger response. Popular CTAs that are used today include “Learn More,” “Save Now,” “Subscribe,” and “Get Started.”

Invest in a lead-generating website today!

Building the best mortgage lead-generating website for your business takes a lot of work, but it’s the only way to bring in a full pipeline of leads to sustain and grow your business. Take the time to invest in proper strategies and systems that will push you toward success, and pay careful attention to each step in the TOFU/MOFU/BOFU processes.

One key strategy you can use to attract the right customers, automate as many processes as possible, and then amplify all of the results to expand your business is by using an Unfair Advantage designed to help you through each of those steps!

Contact Good Vibe Squad today to learn more about mortgage lead generating websites and how you can start your Unfair Advantage today.

Guide to Mortgage Lead Generation Websites is available on:

Original post here: Guide to Mortgage Lead Generation Websites

Thursday, July 29, 2021

What Is a Lead Source and Why Is It Important?

Leads are absolutely vital to businesses today. They provide companies with the clients and customer base they need to survive in the market. Lead sources, relatedly, are the main way companies gain these clients and interact with their customers. So, you must build these strong and understand the data sets they provide to have long-term success in your mortgage loan industry. 

Let’s take a closer look at lead sources and their importance before diving into explanations of data sets and how you can best use them.

What are lead sources?

Simply enough, a lead source is the source by which a lead originally finds your website. It is the marketing channel that first pushes clients and potential customers to your business and helps you take those first steps in building a working relationship. 

There are several different kinds of lead sources. These can include email marketing campaigns, organic search engine results, advertisements, social media posts, blogs, and referrals.

Importance of measuring your lead sources

Lead sources are vital to your business because they provide the essential original connection between your business and clients. However, if you don’t measure your leads effectively, you’ll likely waste your marketing budget on methods that may not be working for you.

  • Figure out what works. By measuring your lead sources, you can identify which lead-generating methods work best for your unique mortgage loan business. Doing so allows you to focus more on these channels than those that don’t produce as much. For example, if you notice a lot of traffic from social media accounts and less from email marketing streams, you may consider putting more effort into social media since it works for you.
  • Figure out what doesn’t work. In the same vein, you can understand what lead generating methods aren’t working for you and do one of two things:
      1. Beef up your efforts. Maybe a few specific generating strategies aren’t working for you because you’re handling them the wrong way. For example, if you invest solely in image content for social media and get poor results, you may want to check what’s missing. You may probably not using a good copy or not utilizing videos, which you may consider in strengthening your social media presence.
      2. Stop using it. Other times, if a generation stream really isn’t working for you, it may be a better move for your business to completely remove it from your marketing strategy and invest more effort into something you know is working. For example, direct mail ads. These may have been super popular a few decades ago, but with the rise of the internet, fewer people are interested in direct mail marketing.

What can your lead source data tell you?

Once you have your lead sources set up, you need to be able to translate the data sets they provide. These data sets can be lifesavers when it comes to your marketing strategy. They can tell you which marketing channels are most effective, which audiences you need to focus on targeting, which keywords and selling points win you the most contact, and how people prefer to reach out to you.

Which channels are the most effective at reaching your target audience?

You can use numerous channels for marketing your mortgage loan company across the web, but not all of them are built the same way. In fact, each generates very different audiences and demographics. Make sure that you pay attention to your data sets to figure how which channels connect you with your target audience the best.

Which marketing effort turn audiences into sales leads?

It doesn’t matter how many people view your content if none of them respond to it and become sales leads. Data sets will let you know which of your marketing efforts is working the best to convert your leads and promote your business.

Which keywords offer the best lead generation?

Keywords help your content appear in audiences’ searches across Google or other platforms. Their presence will direct whether your content will be one of the top search results online. Knowing the keywords in your content that bring in the most people is key.

Which selling points get results?

The best way to market your mortgage loans is in a way people respond to, and the best way to know how people will respond to your message is by using a few different selling points to see which works best. If you consistently use one method, you may not know that another will work better. Mix it up a bit and let your lead data show you how to sell the most product.

How people reach out to you

Knowing how your customers like to stay in touch with you is key to having successful customer service in your mortgage loan business. You need to answer questions, respond to comments, and keep in touch with your customers. Data sets from lead sources can let you know which streams will be most effective for your communication needs.

What should you do with the data?

Once you have these data sets, you need to create better strategies to improve your brand and bring in more business. Two of the best ways you can do this are by identifying opportunities and creating solid strategies.

Know your opportunities

When the data sets come in, use their information to create reports that identify opportunities to help increase your lead sources and lead conversions. These reports will be very similar to using CRM services and can go a long way in helping you understand how to use your gathered data effectively.

Create your strategy

Once you’ve organized your data, you need to use it to create or tweak existing marketing efforts to take advantage of the systems that are proven to be working for you.

Start using lead source data today!

Lead source data can help you build your business into one that has customers and audiences. Remember, mortgage officers need to work hard to attract the right customers, automate as many processes as possible, and amplify the results to expand their business. What better way to do that than with Unfair Advantage, which is designed to help you through each step?
Contract Good Vibe Squad today to learn more about lead source data and how you can start your Unfair Advantage today.

The following article What Is a Lead Source and Why Is It Important? was first published to:

Original post here: What Is a Lead Source and Why Is It Important?

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

How Many Loans Does the Average Loan Officer Close?

Loan officers have become an essential part of the financial system, especially in the last few years. They make it possible for individuals to connect with banks or larger financial institutions so they can borrow money from secure lenders. And because of how vital loan officers are to this process, it’s no surprise that the job makes for a good, profitable career.

However, loan officers must rely on the closing of loans to make any money, which begs the question, “is the career a sustainable one?”

Let’s take a closer look at what loan officers do, how they originate loans, and what their average profit per closed loan is before delving into a few tips to help you increase your close rate.

What is a loan officer?

Loan officers are essential members of the financial community. They typically serve as representatives of banks, lending institutions, credit unions, or other financial businesses. Their job is to meet and evaluate individuals who apply for loans to determine whether to approve or reject the request.

Their role is very similar to that of mortgage loan originators, who work closely with borrowers in the mortgage lending process, but they are quite different from mortgage loan brokers. Mortgage loan brokers are the middlemen who connect mortgage borrowers with respective lenders. Unlike loan officers, they do not provide funds to lend to borrowers. They simply operate paperwork and approval processes between the other two parties.

How many loans does a loan officer originate in a year?

The amount of loans any officer originates in a single year can depend heavily on his business type, whether he works for a bigger bank or is self-employed. Typically, individual loan officers originate approximately 18-25 loans a year, but others can produce 35-40.

How much do loan officers make per loan?

As of 2021, loan officers are averaging salaries of $170,000 per year, but this can widely vary depending on their business model and how many loans they close. Most officers make a 2% commission off of every loan they originate. So, the more work they put in, the more money they get out. This is great news for anyone who wants a career with virtually unlimited earning potential. There are no real caps on how much business you can do in a year beyond how much time you want to put in. Growth potential is always present. For example, if the average loan officer closes $250,000 loans at 2%, he’ll make $5,000 in profit. Those officers who choose to close one loan a month will typically earn around $48,000 after taxes, while those who do two or three can earn $144,000.

Extended hand of a loan officer closing sales.

Tips on how to increase closing rate

Since your salary potential is only as limited as the number of loans you close, you need to know the best ways to close as many loans as quickly as you can. Let’s look at some top tips for boosting your closing rate:

1. Invest in strong marketing

Marketing your services is important to gaining new clients. After all, in this digital age, you can’t rely on word of mouth forever. Remember, the number of deals you close and the amount of income you make are directly tied to how much business you do--how many clients you bring in and how many deals you close.

Make sure to invest in regular prospecting practices to bring in these new clients. Yes, it can be a lot of hard work. Fortunately, there are many strong lead-generating, marketing-centric businesses and software programs today that can help you automate some of those processes to save you time and money.

2. Be organized

Being organized is one of the most essential parts of any business. If you can’t keep track of meetings, client information, and other important paperwork in an organized manner, you’ll waste half of your valuable time. You’ll constantly look for things and try to cover with clients whose meetings you missed. Instead, take the time to set up a solid organizational structure that you can stick to. It may take more effort at first, but in the long run, your communication flow will improve, your productivity will increase, and you won’t waste time.

3. Build your authority

The world today runs online. Advertising, social interactions, education, news, gaming, shopping, and much more have all moved to the world wide web. Hence, it’s more vital than ever to have a strong online presence. When individuals today look into different companies and loan officers to work with, they may ask for referrals from friends and family. However, no matter who is recommended to them, they’re sure to run an online search.

If your lending offices have a strong online presence, it will build the borrowers’ trust in your authority. You can use it as an opportunity to provide value to your clients and the industry as a whole by teaching them about various loan processes and terms. If you don’t have an online presence, the opposite is true. You’ll be seen as untrustworthy and lacking in value and authority.

4. Provide a good customer experience

Customer service needs to be one of the highest priorities of any business. After all, without customers, who will borrow your loans? Make sure that you have a professional attitude. Work with your customers as partners in the loan processes to help them feel confident and in control of the situation. Be understanding and encourage honest feedback, even if it’s negative, because it can help you improve your future customers’ experiences.

5. Promise a little, deliver a lot

One of the most common rules of social, community-driven life is not to make promises you can’t keep. Doing so makes you seem untrustworthy and, eventually, no one will take anything you promise with any seriousness. The same is true when you are working with clients. Make sure to promise only when you are 100% sure you can deliver and then blow their socks off when everything else falls into place. Your clients will be ecstatic at the higher quality of service you provide.

Moving forward & closing more

Closing loans is an essential part of a mortgage loan officer’s job. Without doing so, he’s can’t operate his business properly or earn any kind of salary. Investing in the right marketing, organization, and customer service can go a long way in helping officers close more. Work hard to attract the right customers, automate as many processes as possible, and then amplify all of the results to expand the business. And what better way to do that than with an Unfair Advantage designed to help you through each of those steps? 

Contract Good Vibe Squad today to learn more about closing loans and how you can start your Unfair Advantage today.

How Many Loans Does the Average Loan Officer Close? was originally published to:

Original post here: How Many Loans Does the Average Loan Officer Close?